~Dazai PM boss AU part 2~

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Chuuya then pulled Dazai in a bit and pressed a small kiss on his lips. Dazai tried to deepen the kiss but Chuuya pulled away whispering a simple "Not today Osamu"(Ha! No smut for yalls thirsty asses!)

Dazai almost shivered at the sound of his name coming out of Chuuya's mouth. It sounded so nice when he was saying it. So he respected Chuuya's words and just snuggled into his neck.

" I love you"Dazai mumbled in the crook of Chuuya's neck.

Chuuya then pulled away in shock.

He had never heard Dazai say those words before. Not even to him. Not even to Odasaku.

Chuuya's eyes were wide as he was staring at the other in pure shock. He was speechless. Had he misunderstood? Was it something else?

Then Dazai started laughing.
"Why so shocked Chibiko? " He managed to ask between muffled breaths.

"Y-you just- Did-What?!" Was the only thing Chuuya stuttered.

"I love you Chuuya. " Dazai repeated pure love in his eyes as he held the others hand.

Chuuya then started tearing up. But these weren't sad tears, no these were tears of joy. He was the happiest person alive right now.

Seeing so much emotion on Dazai's face was making him feel so special. Even if it was just the simple words 'I love you'. Dazai then kissed his hand.

"Don't cry Chuuya. Tears don't suit you. "Dazai muttered in a soft voice full of passion and love.

Chuuya tried his best to do as he was told but he just couldn't. He was so so so happy.

" I love you too dumbass. "

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