In a mere moment the wolf dropped dead its blood spilling from its neck.

Cassandra clapped at the show while walking towards you.

"Bravo" she said. "You've earned my respect"

"Wait are you saying that this was basically all a test?" You asked

"Well duh, I needed to see if you were trustworthy" the girl responded

You just sigh and shake your head.

After hunting a bit more the two of you finally arrived back at the castle.

Cassandra didn't waste any time and immediately disappeared in her swarm of bugs.

And you walked off to see the Duke.

"Ah Y/n, always a pleasure, anything I can get you?" He asked

"Yea do you have a replica of this certain vanity" you pulled out a picture that you took of the broken vanity and showed him it.

"Why yes I do actually." The Duke answered happily.

"How much?" You asked

"It's on the house, since your one of my top customers" he said

"Really? Thank you so much!" You exclaimed.

"Ofcourse it's not a problem" he smiled

After a while you finally got the new vanity into the room where you had repaired the floor.

You were glad you had already got rid of that broken one, it made it easier to bring in the new one.

This would most definitely be a surprise to the countess since you haven't told her you would get one, I guess you could call it a gift.

You smiled giddly at the vanity as you wondered what your countesses reaction would be, hopefully she liked it, but what if she didn't.

This thought made you worried, what if she hated it what would you even do?

You paced around the room concerned about if she would like it
You were so wrapped up in your thoughts you didn't even hear the door open.

"Are you alright dear?" The countesses voice spoke aloud.

You immediately look at her then to the new vanity, it seems as though she hadn't noticed it yet, you looked back at your mistress.

"Yes my lady everything is alright" you said trying to keep the nervousness out of your voice, though it didn't seem to fool the countess.

"You'll find that I don't like liars" her voice went stern

"I- I-" you sighed and immediately gave up.

Your eyes laid onto the vanity again.

"Now what in the world do you keep looking at?" She turned around to look in the direction you were looking at.

"Oh my-" she said underneath her breath

She walked up to the vanity and drew her finger across the wood.

"frumoasa" She said again underneath her breath.

It seemed to be a Romanian word though you didn't understand what it meant.
You twirled your hair around your finger.

"Did I get the wrong one, or maybe it doesn't have the right type of wood, is it-" your worries were cut off by the lady bending to your height and placing a single finger on your lips, hushing you.

"It's perfect darga mea" the countess stood up

You let out a sigh of relief knowing that she likes it. But you can't help but wonder what that word meant.

"Y/n" the countess spoke as she was arranging things around her new vanity.

"Yes mistress" you respond

"I need you to be clean and dressed for Tmorrow, Mother Miranda has requested for you to be there for the meeting, i need you to be on your best behavior" The countess finished then turned to look at you.

"Yes of course my lady, I won't disappoint"

"Good, you may retire for the night" the woman said and waved you off.

You left and headed back to your chambers and sat on the bed, you picked up the book Daniela gave you and looked through it.

Soon you grew tired and decided to sleep.

(frumoasa -> beautiful)

Word count (1195)

The Lady of House Dimitrescu (Lady Dimitrescu x fem)Where stories live. Discover now