part 1

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3th P.O.V

Hades was sitting in his office, since the end of june last year he was buissy. A man named Tom Riddel who called himself Voldemort, was killed and brought himself back from the dead. Some people need to understand that the dead need to stay dead. And this 'Voldemort' was almost impossible to find.

A silver mist appeared infront of him. The mist started to form a figure of a woman. "What do you want?" Hades grumbled to the now fully formed woman. He wasn't happy with Hecate, 'Voldemort' was a wizard one of her blessed mortals. Thanks to the powers she gave his rase, he has a lot of paper work.

"I have a quest for your son." She said.


Nico's P.O.V

"Sir, your father wants to speak to you now!" My fathers assistant said waking me up. I knew how this went, if I wasn't ready in two minutes he would drag me down to the palace and I would be still in my boxers. It happend before, let's just say father wasn't happy.

I hopped out of bed and put on some jeans. Before I even could grab a T-shirt I was transported to my fathers office. I straighted my back and bowed my head to my father. Then I turned to the other person in this room, I reconised her as Hecate, godess of magic and crossroads. I bowed my head to her too, you never want to make a god or godess angry by not showing respect. Always show respect, even if you don't like them.

My father looked at me. "Where is your shirt?" He asked. I mentaly sighed, typical my father, straight to the point. "You telleported me before I could grab one, father." I said. He sighed and snapped his finger, suddenly a shirt of me appeared infront of me. I put it on and looked at my father.

"What can I do for you?" I asked. Hecate spoke up. "I need you for a quest. About five hundred years ago I blessed four mortals with the gift of magic. They use wands for this. Now there is a young wizard, called Harry Potter, who is destend to defeat a evil wizard called Voldemort. You might know him as Tom Riddel." I groweled at that name, he gave my father and me much trouble this summer. "You need to go to school with Harry to protect him and help him defeat Voldemort."

I stiffened at the metion of school. "Excuse me, but did you just say school?" I asked. She nodded her head. "It is a special school for magic and wizardry, I will give you the gift of magic so you can fit in. You may not reveal who you really are, only if it is hardly needed." I nodded,

"I, Nico Di Angelo, accept your quest."


I was standing at kings cross in London. Hecate had given me a wand made of the wood of the pomgrate wood and hair of a Thesteral, Persephone was not so happy about she needed to give a branch.

Hecate also gave me all knowlege of spells that exist, and textbooks in greek. If I said a spell in greek it would be like ten times stronger that usual. She had thought of everything.

I am an American extance student. Only Dumbledore knows who I really am. He is her son and knows about the greek gods n' stuff.

I got in the train that brought us to Hogwarts. Really who calls there school pigwarts. There were students everywhere, hanging out of the windows to say a last goodbye to their parents, walking through the corridors looking for their friends after a long summer. Finaly I found an almost empty compartment. The onlyone in there was a girl with light blond hair. She was reading a magasine upside down. Wizards. I thought to myself.

"Can I sit here?" I asked. The girl looked up and said with a dreamy voice. "Ofcourse." I sat down oppisete to her. I patted my side nervously for my sword. Only it was not on my side like it was always. My father said if I turn my ring it wil be there like always. But it was still a bit uncomfortable without it.

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