Chapter 35: The Drug In Me Is You

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*A/N: before we begin, so no one gets confused, Mist is bound to water due to her trying to shred Sister Imperator for hurting Dew*

Tonight was the night you get to see Dew and Rains true forms, You also get to see what it's like to be a ghoul. You still have 3 hours before the moon is completely at its highest at midnight. Taking a deep breath before changing my clothes into something dark and hard to see at night then masking my scent with some dirt from the flower bed outside my window. You look out into the woods and see Dew and Rain looking towards the house, but something was majorly different about them both. Something you couldn't put my finger on until when you snapped out of my thoughts both of them were right against the window staring in at me. You notably jumped back and your heart began racing as the two ghouls smiled wickedly and tried to get into the widow you had closed before looking out at them. Dew's claws left deep scratches on the wooden frame as he and Rain tried to slide the window open. In order to avoid letting the two catch you, you ran down the hall and knocked on bathroom door. A voice told you to come in,  once in the room you locked the door and pushed a couple small cabinets in front of it. Mist was laying in the bath fully clothed where she had been summoned earlier, she looked at you. "Y/N? What's wrong?" She asked but then she realized that the moon was changing your two mates.

"It's ok, as long as you're in here they won't dare come near unless they want a can of whoop ass open from me." Mist said confidentially. You heard growling and footsteps growing closer to the bathroom then something slammed against the door, causing you to jump and muffle to yelp that left your mouth. "Y/N~ its time to start our game." Rain purred out as the sound of his purring practically rattled the door. Mist sighed, "Rain...I don't want to see you horny and shit like that, so kindly fuck off." She said which made Rain scratch the door. "Sis, kindly shut the fuck up because I know Y/N is in there and Dew's getting pissy because we want our mate." Rain growled out before using his magic to unlock the door. Mist and Rain began growling and arguing with each other as you escaped the room. Rain failed to grab you but he chased after you like an animal trying to catch its prey. "Y/N! Please we just want to explain how tonight works!" The water ghoul begged you but then you ran into a figure.

The figure had long caramel hair just like Dew, long jagged horns that ended in a mean point, 6 eyes (3 eye burning amber while the other three were grey blue), gills that had been burned shut and scars littered the body of the figure, and the tattoos burned brightly. The most noticeable one was the Sodomizer tattoo across the stomach. You looked down to see the sharp pointed and jagged tail, the figure raises their clawed hand to cup your cheek. "Y/N, what do you think?" The figure asked in Dew's voice but with a demonic undertone. "D-Dew?" You asked as he nodded and began purring.

Seconds later you feel something pressed against you, turning back you see Rain's true form. Dark wavy hair that laced his shoulders, 6 deep blue and brown eyes look at you gently, gills lined along the sides of his neck, legs, and arms, his tail had fins that lined the sides that were connected to more gills that ran down his spine and down the middle of the tail. Rain's horns were wavy like the flow of water and follows the curve of the top of his head but the tips still were as sharp as Dew's. Rain blushes as you gazed at his features but continued purring anyways. "Y/N, what do you think of our true forms?" Dew purred out as he rubbed your hips. "You both look so handsome like this." You admitted which made Dew's tail wrap around your thighs. Rain came closer and hugged you, wrapping his tail around your waist after Dew moved his hands.

"Rules of tonight are: 1. Don't stop running after we say Go, 2. If you need to use it the safeword is Silver, 3. When we are trying to catch you don't turn around, and 4. Don't leave the woods or else we can't get to you until morning." Dew whispers into your ear before moving down and kissing your neck, inhaling your scent while doing so. Rain went to the other side of your neck and repeated the action but soon he was pushed away by Dew who lead you outside and over to the woods behind your house.

Once at the woods you looked up at the moon, it was almost to its highest point then you turn to face Dew and Rain. Both were starting to go feral and let their instincts take over their mind and body. "Y/N, you have a 5 minute head start. We'll see you soon." Dew purred out as you took off running into the forest not looking back. Trying not to stumble over branches, roots, vines, and everything else in the darkness of the forest. The forest was deathly quiet, only the sounds of your footsteps and jagged breathes. After the time was up and you rubbed some of your scent on the trees as you ran you heard Dew and Rain's growls and saw their glowing eyes. You hurried up and climbed the sturdiest tree you could find and while steadying yourself and catching your breath you heard footsteps and whimpering. Looking down at the ground you see Rain walking around, looking lost and scared.

Dew ran up behind him shortly after. "The trail ends here! I don't know where they went!" Rain said frantically before glancing up and locking eyes with you. His tail begins swaying as he purrs loudly. Dew looks up and sees you as well but instead of staying on the ground he climbs the tree to get you as his eyes glow and he gives you a mischievous grin.

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