Wedding Jitters

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"Bella..." I breathed out in relief as I opened up the door to the medical ward underneath the large mansion.

It was cold down here, and I couldn't help it when I hugged my arms tightly to myself.

Glancing over at the bed, my twin sister was laying on her back with her eyes peacefully closed, completely ignoring the world around her as it continued to tick forward. She remained blissfully ignorant as she remained her own realm of existence.

I might be jealous...

I let out another breath, walking over to the side of it. I took the blanket that was folded at the end of the bed and brought it up just underneath her chin. As I was looking down at her, I swept some of her blonde hair out of her face and placed it behind her ear.

A part of me wishes I could go back to seemingly endless sleep.

"Look at y-you..." I muttered out with a cracked voice. "Sleeping..." I took a seat in the chair that was located just next to the bed. "You always were lazy..." I gently whispered, placing both of my hand on the bed slowly, clasping them together tightly. "Do you remember...?" I leaned my body to the side as I struggled to not cry in front of her. I took in a small breath to steady myself before I continued, "When we would fight over the chores back at dad's place?" I asked, knowing that I wouldn't get an answer –

Even still...

I waited for a few seconds in case she did.

"You really hated mopping..." I spoke with a smile on my face.

Tears began to flood in my eyes, but I blinked them way. I knew that my emotions would get the better of me – looking down at my sister knowing that I couldn't help her...her condition had weighed heavily on my thoughts every day this week.

"You always did a half-assed job vacuuming and..." I paused for a few seconds. I paused to reflect on the memory happily instead of negatively. "And..." I repeated lowly, speaking just underneath my breath. "I would always need to redo it," I shook my head at the memory. "I also needed to do all the cooking because you would send everyone to the bathroom with your food," I chuckled brokenly before looking down at the ground.

I breathed in heavily.

I stared down at my hands, eyeing my left hand where a ring would be put on it tomorrow --

If I wanted it there or not...

"I-I can't do this without you – I-!" I began to say as my voice began to break. "I don't want to get married this young – I don't want to marry him and-!" I let out a soft sob, bringing the back of my right hand up to wipe away the tears that were now falling from my eyes.

My body slumped forward as I continued to cry –

I took in deep breaths to help get myself to calm down.

"Y-You're – you're going to miss it..." I found her hand that was laying on top of the blankets and gripped it tightly with both of mine. "You're going to miss my wedding. You're going to miss it..." I gazed down at her unconscious figure realizing my mistake as I was saying it. I opened my mouth as I went to speak, though this time I thought over my words with deep consideration before continuing: "You're going to miss his wedding..." I mumbled under my breath.

That was right – this wasn't my wedding.

This was all about Aidan and his sick, demented fantasy that he wanted to play out.

"Vienna," Aidan's voice called out from behind me.

I perked my head up at his sudden voice, not so much the name that came out of his mouth. Though, if I didn't play the part then I would suffer for my disobedience – the people that I held dear would pay the price --

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