Chapter 41: The Case of Bird Man is Solved

Start from the beginning

"The people in this photo." Jack placed the image in front of the police officer. "We believe they may be connected to bird man in some way."

"Five good say they're victims." Hassan guessed before getting slapped in the back of the head by Saorise. "Okay, bad time, I get it."

"I'm afraid without knowing their names, I can't enter them on the computer, so we'll have to look through the records of missing persons." The police officer stood up and began walking down the hall on the right. "So, do you have a date?"

"A date?" Jack thought about all the girls he's interacted with, and began thinking about how he would date. Molly's way too kinky and Jack could never know what Mifu is thinking. Out of everyone, maybe Alice would be the best candidate for a date. After all, she did know him the longest.

"Yeah, a date for when the family went missing." The police officer corrected Jack, and Jack shook his head to get rid of any lingering thoughts. "Before 12/12/12, during 12/12/12, or after 12/12/12?"

"Huh?" Saorise tilted her head in confusion as your group and the policeman reached three different doors. The first door was marked 'Before 12/12/12', the second was '12/12/12', and the third was 'After 12/12/12'. "Were there really that many people lost?"

"There's a reason why we call 12/12/12 the apocalypse, you know." The policeman commented on everyone's collective shock. "So, place your bets everyone, where would the families be?"

"This photo looks to be higher quality than I've ever seen in my past life." Simo informed Jack, and that was random. "As far as I've seen, this world's timeline mirrors mine pretty closely. I died in 2002, and given the quality of this photo, it's likely that this is some time after 2002."

"That still gives us a ten year window, but it does make it seem more likely that they disappeared during or after 12/12/12/." Jack then remembered that Simo told him he died before, but never how. "Wait, how did you die?"

"Old age."

"Given the condition of the house, I think that it was at least five years after they left." TJ added his own thoughts into the discussion.

"So it's 2021 now..." Jack did some math on his fingers. "So we only need to check the records from 2002 to 2016."

Jack heard the crying once again.

"God damn, I swear that's the same crying." Jack scowled, and the sound of crying was so loud that he considered never having kids. "Hey officer, is it bring your kid to work day?"

"What are you talking about, you have schizophrenia or something?" The policeman looked at Jack.

"Jury's still out on that one." Simo decided to add a sarcastic remark.

"Okay, you know what, you guys search for the family, I'm gonna go look for the source of that crying to figure out if I have something or not." Jack asked away from the group and towards the source of the crying. "If I don't find anything, I'll see Doctor Elizabeth about it. Come on. Jojo."

Jack went deeper down the right hallway to find the source of the crying while Jojo waddled behind you. Jack made sure not to touch anything that looked like trouble, but luckily this police station didn't have any jail cells down this hallway. Jack's one shoe and prosthetic leg made different noises clicking against the tile. Jack's ears were focused solely on the sounds of the crying child that seemed endless. The child didn't sound to be in pain or anything, but just sounded like he wanted attention. Jack kept on walking until he turned a corner at the end of the hall, which had only one door. The door had an exit sign above it, so Jack opened the door to see that the door led to a casual wooden porch. In the middle of this porch was an outdoor table, with an umbrella and two chairs on either side of it.

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