Chapter 3

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"Hey let's meet at night around 9 and trespass the gates and have fun." I said well sitting home and sleeping are for dummies and we are neither of them.

"Can we please do that please it's feels like we haven't had fun so long." My best friend Amy chimed in.

"We can't do that come on it's a week day  we have class early tomorrow we can't do that." Darien said see I told you dummies.
Well I made peace with Darien since he was hot plus we had common friends and he gets us free booze since his dad is rich and stuff.

"Oh come on Darien quit being a baby it will be fun and what do you even get reading all the books all day have fun with us,please." Amy said and I couldn't agree less.

" This" he says pointing towards the books."Gets you a mansion and our own cabin and people who respect you" he said It's official guys he has lost it.

"Are we talking free booze"Nathan said and we all laughed at it.

We agreed to meet at Target and hide in there without getting caught and once the guard checks the place and leave that's when the real treat will start for us.

Amy and I decided to hide between all the blanket so we can breathe and also it was a good place for us to hide and we were sad that we lost chips to Lucas who got caught on his way out.

As soon as the guards left after checking we met at our circle and decided to wait for others.

" We did it let's call others for plan B" Amy said and as soon as she said I felt a light beam at us.

"Security"it said no wayyy did I just get caught.Nooooooooo

" You get scared easily Evans"Darien said well I never get caught and it would be to humliating for me to get caught after intiating the plan.

"Wait till I have you back Blackford"I said well I didn't have anything on him yet.

"Hey guys so I heard about Lucas too bad for him yeah"Nathan said with Bea Adam approaching us from the other side.

"So what do we have in plan" Bea said excited to know.

"Well I was thinking that we could divide ourselves in teams and create a Go cart and one of the person from the team has to sit on it and ride it all the way up to the mark we each get ten minutes to figure out what tools to pick up." I said I always wanted to do that as a kid.

"I get Amy." I said almost immediately after telling them about the game.

"No way I made chits and we will each draw a name out" Nathan said he said as he wanted to be paired with Bea since he liked him. Well loser's, one only plays to win.

As soon as we were divided in teams I couldn't believe I was paired with Darien he out of all people loves to let go and I want to win this.

"Darien we have to win this do you get it ."I said competitively to which he huffed and said "Its just a game Jeez Evans relax."

"No it's the matter of pride "I said eyeing him defensively.

"Well only for you"he said as the timer went on I picked a basket and a skate board and a blanket for my protection and Darien came forward with just an helmet well it still counts atleast he brought something.

We had a lot of fun we all got tired turns out Mr it's just a game does care about winning so we won the Go cart and song charades because of him we all got tired and set up our alarm clock and grabbed blankets to sleep we all drank booze and every one was out except .....

"Hey are you cold there."Darien said approaching me giving me a pack of chips.

"No why are you so nice do you get paid for being such a gentleman"I said I never expected a guy like him all so innocent.

"Why are you so tough and strong"he said out of blue well can't blame him.

"I am nice because I have lovely friends a great family and someone to trespass and share booze in the middle of Target while everyone is sleeping" he said and I simply laughed at it.Okay people I might find this guy cute.

" You are cute"I said honestly I don't have a reason to hide my feelings if you feel something genuinely for someone just say it don't twist it.

"And you are wild I can't believe you would let me do this come on Evans you don't have a hidden reason behind it do you what are your plans" he kept on saying and it made me laugh and laugh that my stomach hurt until I went on my knees and laughed until I  got teared up.

Darien immediately approached me and knelt down infront of me he said ," Hey are you okay jeez Evans I was just kidding."he said and he seem so scared at the moment was he worried for me.

"I am having issues with my dad." I was barely audible and I can't believe that I actually confessed that to him.

"Hey you don't have to" he said and gently squeezed my hand.

"It's alright whatever it is you are strong and you will get through this it's gonna be okay forget about what tomorrow holds for you and just live in the moment will you and if it won't be then you are free to throw another cup of iced coffee at me okay two you could have atleast smiled at it come on that was funny." He said so I did I smiled until my cheeks hurt because that day I was genuinely happy.

I don't know what that night hold for us but I do know that I felt safe and happy with him he made me laugh like no one has ever made me and for the first time I felt my self going weak yet strong at the same time and I don't know what's happening with me but I do know that I definitely will be throwing that iced coffee on him because I don't think it will be alright but just like he said I decided to forget all about it and enjoy the night.

*End of Flashback*

Nothing is alright I wish I could scream at him and throw the iced coffee at his face and tell him that it is not alright it can't be how can it be where was he when my mom died and I needed him the most.

What am I even talking about a guy who left things without bothering to give an explanation and just left not caring about how I was holding onto in my life.

From that day I never believed in friends.I felt betrayed my every single person I loved the most that I don't believe in love anymore and that's what is keeping be going.

I went to throw the trash outside and went in to clean the rest of the dishes I still can't believe that I still feel threatened by Steven.

"Hey see hot piece down there." I heard one of Steven friend shout pointing towards me.

" So you finally decide to throw the trash just like your self." Steven said coming towards me I felt my self burn with all the insults.

I wish I could do something about it but there is nothing I can do when demons from the past are still chasing you and still biting your ass. I hated the situation I hate every bit of this job but what can I do when I am tied to it and plus after my repay all my debts from my job I can finally be free from this and live peacefully.

I walk home feeling all the echos in my head and the comments directed towards me and I sigh I wish I could do better than this without changing my clothes I felt my head spin and last thing I know is that I crash on my bed my head feeling heavy and I drifted off to sleep.


So the third chapter is out now 😚

I hope you guys like and support it

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Bye shimmers 😃

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