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Being a resilient single mother was never part of the plan. However, in the face of a once-loving relationship that turned sour, she chose to take sole responsibility for her child rather than rely on a man who not only denied his offspring but also resorted to hurtful and disrespectful words. Despite the embarrassment, trauma, and emotional turmoil she endured during her pregnancy, she found forgiveness within her heart and embarked on a journey of healing.

As time went on, Pendo took control of her life and thrived. Thanks to the support of her family, she managed to establish an online business, ensuring that her daughter Maya, who was approaching her third birthday, never had to face the hardships of struggling for food or clothing or anything else. Maya, a bright and headstrong girl, observed her mother's dedication to studying, learning to be silence when necessary, and seeking attention when appropriate. This endearing quality made her an adored and affectionate child.

With Pendo's life on an upward trajectory, she decided to explore the idea of companionship and having a partner through online platforms. Fortunately, amidst a sea of individuals solely seeking superficial connections, she discovered her perfect match. James, a handsome and accomplished man, possessed both a stable income and the ability to engage in meaningful conversations. What began as a mere social experiment soon transformed into an internet success story.

James was the kind of man any woman introduces to their family, and he effortlessly won their hearts from the start. Despite his age, he exuded respectability and maturity, having earned a diploma in carpentry and harbouring ambitions of establishing his own business. In the meeantime, he worked at a branding company, earning enough to sustain his bachelor lifestyle and send support to his mother and family back home whom he held with a lot of respect.

Driven by loneliness, James found solace in an online platform, which unexpectedly led him to a woman of breathtaking beauty. For him, it was love at first sight—she was everything he had ever desired. True to her name, she was not only lovely but also radiated an abundance of love. Asking her out was effortless, and soon every weekend became a treasured blend of their time together. Despite his modest means, he took her on hikes and picnics in and around the captivating city of Nairobi. Within a mere six months, he found himself contemplating a formal commitment and yearning to introduce himself to her parents, envisioning a future with her.

In the chilly month of July, as Nairobi embraced its characteristic cold, James found it to be the perfect time to embark on his plans of visiting Pendo's parents in the tranquil village. Determined to surprise her, he made his way to her residence in the eastern suburbs of the city. The housing in these areas catered to young individuals starting out, with a modest appeal. Although security was not the strongest during the night, the affordability of everyday commodities made up for it. James contemplated finding a place nearby if Pendo would agree, envisioning a future where their lives intertwined even more closely.

In Pendos tribe context, proposals were more of an agreement than a simple question. Once a couple decided to take the plunge into marriage, the next step involved informing the parents, often residing in the village. On some occasions, the man would directly approach the parents, inquiring if their daughter's hand was available for marriage. The parents would then consult their daughter, seeking her opinion on the proposing man. However, if the man happened to be wealthy, the question of the daughter's consent was often disregarded, as they would unceremoniously coerce her into marrying him.

Having been confident that Pendo would agree with his intentions, James felt an eagerness and anticipation as he prepared to visit her parents. He had visited her house a few times before, picking her up for dates, so he was taken aback when a young girl opened the door upon his arrival. Momentarily bewildered, he contemplated double-checking the apartment number when a familiar sound reached his ears—it was Pendo, calling out to the child as she made her way to the door.

Unbeknownst to James, Pendo had never intentionally informed him about her status as a single parent. Nor had he been aware that Maya, Pendo's daughter, frequently visited her mother's home when he came to pick her up. Pendo carried the weight of the stigma associated with single motherhood in the African community, a societal judgment that often inflicted pain. While she took immense pride in being a loving parent to a beautiful child like Maya, she yearned to protect the budding connection she had nurtured with James. Her plan had always been to invite him over one day and disclose the fact that she had become a mother at a young age.

Maya, recently mastering the art of opening doors by stepping onto her little stool, eagerly responded to the knock she heard. Before Pendo could catch up and discover who stood on the other side, the truth had already been revealed. Pendo had no choice but to share the truth about Maya with James, knowing that transparency was the only path forward.

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