"I see, so this is the leader you wrote of. How appropriately... underwhelming" Said Winter disappointedly right infront of Ruby.
"Greetings Ruby Rose and you as well Albert Kropp" Winter said "I wish to thank you for taking an interest in my sister"

Ruby laughed awkwardly while saluting Winter.

"I have business with the general and your headmaster, but seeing as I'm early, why don't you show me your quarters. To make sure they're up to my personal standard" Said Winter as she began to walk away with Weiss

"Vhat a bitch" Said Kropp rather loudly causing Winter to turn her head to glare at Kropp.

"Uhh... I think she heard you" Ruby  mentioned to him

"Good" Said Kropp turning to leave "Come on Rubes let's leave zhem alone and catch on with ze others.

As they were waking into the entrance of the school, they were able to hear a commotion. Turning around, they saw a crowd surrounding something or someone.

They could hear the sounds of blades clashing and people cheering. They guessed there was a fight going on. Once they managed to make their way through the crowd they finally saw what was happening. Winter was fighting against an unknown man.

"Weiss what's going on?" Asked Ruby in a mixture of confusion and worry

"Some crazy guy just showed up and attacked my sister!" An enraged Weiss replied

"Oh no, who would do such a- HOLY SHIT THATS MY UNCLE!!!" Yelled Ruby while she was jumping from excitement.

"Vait actually?" Replied Kropp


"What's his name?" Asked Kropp

"Qrow" Said Ruby not taking her eyes off the fight

"KICK HER ASS QROW!" Yelled Albert, receiving a punch to the shoulder from Weiss and a deadly glare from Winter who once again, heard what he said.

The fight between the 2 got way more intense than anyone expected. At one point, Qrow jumped in the air attempting to land a hit on Winter who was still on the ground. She dodged the hit but it caused a crater in the floor. During the fight many street lamps, decorations and a lot more of school property got damaged or destroyed. Kropp wondered if they had to pay for repairs or if Glynda also worked as a school janitor cleaning all the messes after fights.

Just when the fight was getting good, General Ironwood stepped in and broke it up. He was quickly followed by both Glynda and Ozpin. Ruby ran up to her uncle while both Kropp and Weiss stayed back watching as she went to greet her uncle.

"Damn, that guy kicked your sister's ass" Kropp said smugly

"That was a draw at best!" Responded an annoyed Weiss.

"Pff vatever you say" He said as he turned to leave.

"It's getting late, let go grab dinner with the others" he said motioning for Weiss to follow him. Before leaving Kropp saw Ruby wave at a ginger girl. He also saw that same girl accompany the general everywhere he went, making him wonder who she was.

As usual, the Beacon cafeteria was as full as ever. The Germans were eating alongside the girls from RWBY. They talked about the usual stuff like classes, the Vytal festival and the fights they witnessed. Ruby brought up the encounter she and Kropp had with Winter and it sparked some curiosity in the both teams, especially Yang and Blake. Weiss never really talked about her personal life apart from bragging about being a heiress, the rest seemed to make her quite uncomfortable.

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