chapter 13

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Y/n's POV

When I woke up I was being hugged by Lapis, I could tell she was awake so I moved and got up
"Morning" I said walking to the bathroom "Morning" she responded

I brushed my teeth and washed my face before walking out of the bathroom, and when I walked out Lapis was still laying down on the bed

I walked over to the bed and laid down next to her taking her into my arms "I love you" I said pulling her closer, "I love you too" she said smiling

"I have to get ready" I said getting off the bed and getting clothes from my backpack, "for what" she said sitting up

"If I'm stay here for a little while I need money, which means I have to get a job" I said looking up at her, "I told you just stay at the barn with me and peridot" Lapis got up from the bed walking over to me

"I can't I'll probably bother you two" I said zipping up my backpack and putting it back on the floor turning my head to look at her "No you won't I promise" she said putting her hand on my cheek

I sighed "I'll think about it" I said giving her a small smile "Good" she said smiling back while going to go sit back on the bed

I walked into the bathroom closing the door and turning on the shower

________Time skip to after the shower_______

Once I got out of the shower I dried myself with a towel and changed into my clothes, once all my clothes were on I walked out of the bathroom

I looked at the bed Lapis was surprisingly sleeping  I remember Steven told me that Gems don't need sleep so it was surprising to me

I put my dirty clothes in a separate bag so that the clean clothes wouldn't get dirty, "Hey Lapis I'm gonna be heading out, are you going to be staying here?" I asked "No, I'm gonna go check on Peri" she said getting up

"Ok" I responded letting her out the door as I walked out and locked the door, when I turned around Lapis kissed me quick "I'll see you later" she said with a blush as she flew away, I smiled and watched as she flew away

I started walking to Fun land hoping that Mr.Smiley would hire me, on my way there I saw Nanefua and some others from town yelling something about Mayor Dewey

When all of a sudden I saw Steven walking with Sadie, I ran up to him  "Steven!" I said "Y/n!" Steven said, "When did you get back?" I asked
"Yesterday night" he said

"I'm really thankful you saved me" I said looking down at him "No problem don't worry about it" he said, "Did Lars also get back?" I asked looking at Sadie then Steven

"N-no Lars had to stay behind" Steven said kinda worried, "He's okay though right?" I asked, "Yeah he's with some gems Im sure he's okay" he responded, "Well catch you later I have some things to do tell me all about later"

"Okay!" He said waving and smiling, I waved back and started walking to Funland, once I got there I saw Mr.Smiley "Hey Mr.Smiley!" I walked over to him smiling

"Hey Y/n! How are you?" He said with the biggest smile, "I've been good! How have you been?" I asked " I've also been good" he responded

"That's good, so I've been wondering if I could work here in Funland? since I know you're kinda understaffed" I asked him, "Well of course, you can help with the arcade" he said with a smile

"Thank you so much, when do you want me to start?" I asked, "Well can you start today?"he said
"yeah definitely, do you want me to wear any type of uniform?" I asked "yes, come follow me" he said walking inside the arcade I to an Employees only room as I followed him

"Here" he said giving me a light purple shirt that matched with the arcade colors "Just wear it with some black pants and you'll be good" he said " Okay great, when will my shifts start and end just so I know when to get here" I asked "You can start at 10:00 AM and end at 7:00 PM, that okay? You'll also be getting paid 18 dollars an hour " He responded "Yeah that works" I said

"okay so you have to make sure people are using the games correctly and that Onion doesn't steal anything " he said walking out of the employees only room as I followed behind him "Also make sure that nobody is messing around with the games" he said "Yeah of course" I responded

"When someone is going to get prizes with the tickets come over here and get what they want but make sure they have enough tickets to get it " Mr.Smiley said walking over to the prize counter

"Okay!" I said "And with that you'll be good, if you need me I'm going to be controlling the rides" he said smiling while walking out, I went to go put the light purple shirt over my normal shirt since I already had black pants on

Onion walked in and I saw him crawl into the vending machine I walked over to the machine "Hey onion you're not allowed to be in there" I said as Onion looked at me from inside the machine

"Onion out or else I'm gonna have to kick you out and I don't want to do that" I said Onion crawled back out walking out of the arcade

___Time skip to after Y/n's tiring and crazy shift___

After work I walked back to the motel tired, the sun had already set and it was a little dark, once I got at the motel I unlocked the door and opened it, I saw Lapis inside and it scared the hell out of me since I wasn't expecting her "Jesus Lapis!" I said walking in and closing the door

"Where were you I got worried" she said rushing over to me "I'm gonna start working at Funland arcade and Mr.Smiley asked if I could start today so I said yeah" I said plopping myself on the bed

"You get off late" Lapis said looking down at me on the bed "yeah I'm gonna be at work from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM" I said closing my eyes, "Will we still be able to spend time together" Lapis asked worried "of course we can" I said getting up and hugging her

"Good" she said hugging me back, I pulled away and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and to wash my face

Once I finished I got my backpack and got some sleeping clothes and I changed there since I was already tired and ready to relax

I could tell Lapis was looking at me blushing but that was okay, when I finished changing I laid on the bed and just looked up at the ceiling, Lapis laid next to me also looking up at the ceiling

She held my hand and turned her head over to face me, and  I turned my head to face her "I love you" she said kissing my cheek, I smiled and responded "I love you too"I then kissed her

"Have you thought about staying with me and Peri?" Lapis asked, I sighed "I don't think I'm going to stay with you two, sorry" I said "that's okay, I just don't want you staying here" she said

"how come? It's safe here" I asked "I just feel like it's dangerous here " Lapis said "It's not I promise" I responded giving her a kiss on her forehead

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter it's a little long but that's alright

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