Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV

As I walked away from my house I ran into Sadie "Hey Y/n you're awake" she said with a smile

"Yeah" I smiled back and laughed a bit "Everything has been crazy these past couple days" Sadie said

"Lars didn't make it out of the ship and got taken, so now I have to run the big donut by myself" she added on

"Wait Lars didn't make it out?" I asked again

"Yeah, I hope he's okay" she said worried "Well I have to go cya later" she spoke again

"Ok bye" I waved and started to walk again

I walked to the barn hoping to Lapis there, once I got there I saw Lapis walking into the barn

I started to walk a little faster, "Hey Lapis" I said as I walked into the barn

Lapis turned around to look at me "hey " she said and walked over to me giving me a hug

"What's wrong?" I asked hugging her back

"I feel like it was my fault you got taken in the first place if I hadn't have left you, you wouldn't have gotten taken" She said still hugging me

"It wasn't your fault, my name was on her list I would have gotten taken either way" I said rubbing her back to console her

"I could've stopped them from taking you and Steven would still be here" she said with her head on my shoulder

"Look at me" I said breaking the hug and putting my hands on her cheeks "It's not your fault, all that matters is that I'm here, and I'm sure Steven will get back soon" I said kissing her forehead

"You're parents hate me and the rest of the gems" she said looking down

"Screw them who cares about what they think" I said holding her hand

She smiled a bit then spoke "I've missed you"

"I've missed you too" I said and gave her a hug, until my phone started to ring, I pulled away from the hug and saw it was my mom calling

I rolled my eyes and answered "What" I said irritated

"Y/n you come home right now, we're just trying to protect you" I heard her say, I could tell she was sad

"No you guys aren't, you and dad are trying to keep me away from people who are actually protecting me" I said as I looked at Lapis

I heard my mom sigh from the other end "Come home or we're not letting you come back" she said

I paused for a minute "I guess you guys now have an empty room in the house, because I'm not going back" I said as I hung up the phone

"What was that about?" Lapis asked

"My mom told me that I either go back to the house or they're not letting me go back" I sighed

"You're going back though right?" She asked

"No why would I?" I said confused

"Because they're your parents" she said giving me a stern look

"They want to keep me away from you, and I don't even know why they're blaming you, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven like it's your guy's fault" I said sitting down

"Where are you even gonna stay" she said crossing her arms

"I'll find a motel or something I have enough money  don't worry" I assured her "And I should get going, I'll see you tomorrow" I added on as I got up

"Bye" she said giving me a hug

"Bye" I hugged her back and kissed her forehead

Hope you guys liked this chapter have a good day

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