Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV

Me and Lapis walked to the beach together holding each other's hand

Once We got there we both sat down next to one another and just stared into the empty ocean.

I turned my head to look at Lapis, and Lapis turned her head to look at me back

"you're so beautiful" I said putting my hand on her cheek moving my thumb back and forth on her cheek bone

"So are you" Lapis said smiling pulling me into a kiss

I smiled into the kiss and pulled away "I love you" I said

"I love you too" she replied "Shoot!" She said getting up quickly

"What's wrong?" I said standing up looking at her

"I completely forgot that I told Peridot I'd help her with the crops, But I would rather stay here with you" she said looking at me

"Don't worry, go help Peridot we can hang out tomorrow" I said with a reassuring smile

"You sure?" She asked making sure

"Yeah of course" I confirmed

"okay I'll come by your house tomorrow" she said flying away

I smiled looking up at as she flew away, I then turned around walking back to my house

As I was walking back to my house I saw a short blue gem, her gem was under her eye looking like a tear drop

She looked up at me "Are you my dad?" She said looking at me with a blank emotion

"W-what no, I can help you find your dad though" I said looking down at her

"I'm not looking for your dad, I'm looking for my dad, I need to find my dad" she spoke once again

"Ookay? I can help you, I'm Y/n" I said

"Y/n" she said with a smile "are you Y/n?" She spoke once again

"Yeah" I said smiling back "I'm Y/n" I said laughing a bit

The little blue gem started laughing, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, water wings just like Lapis's formed except smaller and she yelled flying around in the air "Topaz I found one, I found one!"

"What?" I said looking around as the ground shook beneath me

A tall yellow Gem appeared I looked at it and in my shock I saw Lars, Sadie, Onion, and Jamie

They were somehow trapped in the gem, Sadie's head and arms were the only parts of her I could see she was on the left side of the gems shoulder

Lars's head also out along with his legs, he was a little bit below Sadie

Onions head and tiny arms stuck out from the gems right shoulder

And Jamie was on the right side of the gems side

They all seemed so scared and were struggling trying to get out

The Yellow Gem unfused and now there were two running towards me each holding two of the people in their arms

As they were running towards me they held each other's hands and fused with me now like Sadie, Lars, Onion, and Jamie

That's the end I might make another chapter today.

At first glance - Lapis lazuli x fem human reader Where stories live. Discover now