Chapter 3

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Lapis POV

I was a little hurt Y/n didn't choose me, but that's okay, I arrived at the barn where Peridot was making something that I had no idea what it even was

I laid down on my hammock looking up at the wooden roof "Hey Peri" I said lifting my head up looking at her

"What" she said looking at me "You know Y/n right?" I said fidgeting with my fingers "Yeah?, the human" she said while her focus was on the thing she was making

"I-I think I like her" I said nervously "What!!" Peridot said dropping everything in her hands and running towards me "I like Y/n" I said again
Y/n's POV

When I got to the rave I started dancing with Jenny and Buck, They offered me some alcohol and I accepted even though I've never tried it

after a few drinks I was wasted I stumbled whenever I would walk, everything was blurry and I couldn't pay attention to anything

I left the Rave and went to the barn where I assumed Lapis was "Laaaaapis!!" my words were slurred

when I didn't hear or see Lapis I yelled again "Laaaaapis!!" I knocked on the barn door, she then opened and looked at me "Y/n? What are you doing here?" She said confused and worried

I walked inside the barn stumbling "A-are you drunk?" She said as she walked over to me and tried to help me walk

"No, I'm not drunk" I said almost falling "Jesus Y/n" she said holding me up "Can I stay here" I said looking at her "Of course you can" she said helping me and laying me down in her hammock

for some reason Peridot wasn't in sight "Where's Peridot" I said and Lapis tried helping me take off my shoes "She went to the temple" Lapis said taking my shoe off

"Oh" I responded Lapis laid down next to me on the hammock her face facing mine and mine facing hers "Y/n" she whispered "Yeah" I whispered back as I leant in closer to her and she did the same

HAHAHAB you guys have to wait now

At first glance - Lapis lazuli x fem human reader Where stories live. Discover now