Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV

Steven turned him self in, claiming to be who Aquamarine was looking for

"Oh hey Lars" I heard Steven say from the back

"don't worry, I'm gonna bust us all out with my bubble power!" Steven said struggling to activate his bubble

At this rate I didnt pay attention to anything going on around me

I zoned out all the noise going on thinking about Lapis, Wondering if she even knows what's going on, what'll happen when she finds out

My heart ached at the thought of Lapis hurting

I came back to my senses when I heard Aquamarine speak "Time to go" she said

A space ship rumbled the ground as it lifted from the top of the carousel

"Steven, did you actually have a plan or---" Amethyst said a little worried

Topaz turned around now Steven and Lars facing the gems

"Just need a minute..." I heard Steven say

Topaz jumped into the air landing on the door opening of the ship

Now since we were in the door frame of the ship all I could see is Aquamarine saying something to the gems

I tried to hear what she was saying but we were to far away

Topaz turned us around and walked into the ship as Aquamarine flew inside before the door shut

Now we were all panicking, mumbles coming from Sadie and Connie

"Let's get back to Homeworld already" Aquamarine said as she sighed

"But I'm already on my home world, I haven't even delivered all the mail today" Jamie said in fear

"Don't worry I can do this" Steven said to all of us, we couldn't really see his since his body and head were on Topaz's back

"You might want to hurry Steven, the threat of us perishing in this quagmire of yellow feels very real!" Jamie said rushing him

Jamie started to annoy me, all I wanted to do right now was get off this ship and go back to Lapis

I zoned out all the noise as Jamie started rambling about dying

What will my parents think, what'll Lapis think, where are they taking us, I getting nervous at this point

All of a sudden Topaz stretched sending us all flying in different directions of the ship, and the Topaz now was unfused and there was two of them

"What? Topaz get this mess cleaned up And, Topaz, help her out,Im setting a course" Aquamarine screaming at the both of them

"The door" I heard Steven yelled

I got up looking around and everyone was getting up

Topaz tried hitting Steven with her weapon and he put his shield up, blocking it just in time

I was scared, I couldn't move I just watched everything happen

I watched as Connie and Steven were fighting the two Topaz's

Everything sounded muffled the only thing I heard was Aquamarine say "Topaz, pull it together and finish this"

I saw one Topaz come up to me then everything went dark


At first glance - Lapis lazuli x fem human reader Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz