Chapter 1: I Suffer in Silence

Start from the beginning

"As do I," I replied, before she opened the door, and left me in the great hall of this underworld.

Ahead of me was the bone chair of my ancestors. One that may hold me—or my child. That would be decided by the man currently sitting on it, and the golden crown he wore. The king tapped a finger on the arm of the chair.

I walked up to the steps and bowed at the knee before standing again. "You called for me, my king?"

"I'm sure by now you've heard of this... setback?" He said. His voice echoed around us. They built the halls to ensure that if the room were full, everyone would hear his voice.

"Not yet. The nobles are hesitant to share with a female."

He rubbed his forehead in frustration and said, "our enemy found success on the eastern shores of the Winter Court. They killed over a dozen of our men, countless civilians, and stole enough provisions to last a month, at least."

"Vicious beasts rarely act with mercy," I commented.

The sunlight streamed in from the thin windows that towered on the western wall. The ocean was within view of the uneven glass. My dress glistened red as the slices of gold fell over my figure. They cast shadows across the King's face, shining off his crown.

"I no longer trust some of our alliances. We've put too much faith in our shared values and beliefs. With this war continuing on as it has, I have no doubt the seed of question has grown. You understand this unease, don't you?"

"Of course I do."

"Then you will not object to a political alliance?" He said, relaxing slightly in his chair.

I felt my back snap rigid like a metal bar. For me—for someone like me—a political alliance came at the cost of my future. My shoulders sharpened as I sucked in a breath through my nose. My lips pressed into a tight line. I couldn't trust my next words.

"I have come to an agreement with a High Lord that shares the same loyalty to our histories. We have betrothed our children, and will bring our lands into a proper alliance," he said. "This will show our other allies that we have no intent of retreating, and that we are stronger as one."

I couldn't breathe anymore. I tried, but something closed my throat at those words. Shock and fear froze me. He... he promised me I wouldn't end up like my mother. He promised on her grave that I would be different. And now he was marrying me off for political advantage. The very thing that got her killed.

If I had a weapon in hand, even a hairpin, I would fight until my very last breath. I wanted him dead, simply for thinking he had any right to betray me like this. He knew—he knew, and yet he still did it. And he would say it was for love, that it was to protect me. A venomous lie.

But there was nothing I could do. Not on an island like this one. I could stowaway on a ship like Nalia's family—but that would only take me so far. I was trapped. A firebird in a cage.

He looked at me for my answer. I blinked as the light touched my eyelashes, and bowed my head. "I will do as you command, my king."

When I looked back up, I couldn't help but glare at him. If he thought I would simply let this fire die within me, he was gravely mistaken. I promised myself I would never become another mans appendage, that I would never serve as a bought wife.

I turned and started walking back towards the entrance, my dress swaying around me. My heels echoed around the otherwise quiet hall. I finally let out a long breath, feeling my body burn with a sudden hatred.

My uncle's voice was lower than usual as he said, "if he—or anyone in that court—tries to harm you, do not hesitate."

I stopped, fists clenched at my side. I turned my head and gave a weak smile. "You don't have to worry about me, uncle."

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