Chapter 4: The Colonel

Start from the beginning

Blake answers before I can even formulate a reply, "Trevor got hungry in the middle of the night so she dragged me out of bed to accompany her to get some snacks."

He says all this with a smug smile on his face that earns a small glare from me which he of course didn't notice. Reggie easily accepts the answer and while Beth doesn't seem one hundred percent convinced, she accepts the answer as well.

The trip takes about two and a half hours to reach the Colonel. Getting to see that smooth, waxy skin makes it well worth it.

I can feel how close the Colonel is when we pull up to the building. We all get out of the van and head towards the building. Blake mostly uses his cane with some guidance from Reggie. I mean, I guess I feel better that it's not Beth. But it would've been even better if it were me, strictly in a platonic way of course.

We enter the building where, low and behold, wax statue Colonel Sanders himself is standing there in all of his white suit and black-tie glory.

"Is he holding a bucket of chicken?" Blake asks as he stares ahead at where he's been directed that the Colonel stands.

I slowly nod my head before answering, "Yes. Yes, he is."

We take it all in, or maybe I'm taking it all in while everyone else is waiting for me to make a move. Either way, I stand staring at the wax stature for a bit before Reggie, unsurprisingly, breaks the silence.

"You want to feel it Blake?" Reggie asks.

Blake nods his head to signal that yes, he does in fact want to feel it, before Reggie leads him towards the statue. He hands his cane over to Reggie to allow him to use both of his hands before slowly lifting them up to the Colonel. His hands initially land on the Colonel chest before he moves them up to eventually land on the face. He runs his thumbs over the Colonels lips as his fingers grip the rest of his face. He feels the nose and both eyes before moving onto the hair.

Watching his hands roam around like that makes me feel a certain...way. I can almost feel his hands on...

"Well that was weird," Blake exclaims as he removes his hands from the Colonel's face.

We all stand around admiring this waxy figure and I even take a picture of Reggie standing next to the Colonel himself.

As excited as I am to have stopped at this site, my most vivid memory won't be of the Colonel, but of Blake with him.

And how...I felt.

Heading back to the van, we hop back into the spots we had been in earlier that day.

"Don't you have to be like 21 to get a hotel room?" Beth asks as we get on the road to find somewhere to stop for lunch.

"Beth, I doubt any night shift worker at some dumpy hotel cares who they're renting rooms to," Reggie tells her. I hadn't thought about that until she asked, but that seemed like a good enough answer.

We seem to be driving for only ten minutes before Reggie yells for me to turn into the next exit. Now, in most cases, I would've been pissed from him yelling like that as I drove. But, his reasons for yelling were completely noble.

That being said, Reggie points us into the parking lot of a KFC buffet.

We all sit in the car staring up at this beautiful place.

"Why'd we stop?" Blake asks, not knowing that he's sitting in front of the most amazing things in the world.

"You'll find out soon enough my friend. Soon," Reggie tells him.

We quickly hurry out the van, Beth seeming to have a little pep in her step as well. Without any thought, I run over to Blake's side of the van and grab his hand to lead him inside.

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