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the awareness of how little of the world you'll experience

Amity seemed like the perfect refuge. Not a lot of people around; low chance of someone snitching; acceptance and welcome. It was quiet. Peaceful. I didn't know such a place could exist in a world like ours, especially these days. Jeanine declared Marshall Law two days ago; she got what she always wanted. They decided to blame divergents for the attack on abnegation, of course they did.

Understandably, everyone's been on edge since we got here. Tris is constantly checking over her shoulder, she's hiding something, I just know it. Tobias has barely slept, he's always thinking up new plans and escape routes in case Max or Eric ever find us here. Caleb spends his time trying to help the Amity workers but he looks lost most of the time; Marcus has stayed out of my way so I think he finally took the hint. It seems to be Peter is the only one enjoying being here, his smile hasn't left his face since we jumped off that train. As for me, I'm stuck shovelling horse shit in a stable in a strange place, I couldn't be happier...

It's not so bad. I mean, things could definitely be worse-

"Hey, Peach."

I spun around, "Fuck, Pete, you made me jump," I relaxed my shoulders and put my shovel down, "And Peach? Really? That's a new one."

"Just testing them all out." he smirked, pulling me in for a hug.

"Hmm, Peach is cute," I smiled with a slight frown, "cringe, but cute."

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and he gently squeezed my waist as he lifted me slightly off the ground. Peter had been experimenting with new nicknames after I had my little rant about being called Baby; he argued that he couldn't call me Bonnie since it was what everyone else started to call me again, he wanted to be 'original'. Classic Peter Hayes for wanting to be special.

"I hate to say it but I've missed you," he kissed the tip of my nose, "these schedules are a nightmare."

"Tell me about it, at least you're not scooping up shit all day." I laughed.

Peter smiled down at me, not in that taunting way he always used to, but genuinely. He slipped his hand up to the size of my face and tilted my head gently up. I gazed down at his lips, then back up at his eyes. The chocolate brown was twinkling with sparks of golden honey in the sunlight that seeped in through the wooden doors. He closed the space between us, pressing his soft lips on mine. He pulled away with an excited sparkle in his eyes, "C'mon, follow me." He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the barn.


"Peter, where are you taking me?" I asked as he dragged me by the arm up the steepest hill I've ever seen.

"Justtttt...here." he stopped when we reached the top and sat himself down on the grass, "C'mere" he patted beside him.

I sat down and looked out at the horizon. There were stretches of rich, green amity fields up until the wall, trees taller than I could've imagined. Growing up in the middle of the city meant we didn't see anywhere so green, Amity was the only place with any sort of countryside. I'd heard so much in history class about how the whole world used to look like this, stretches of green  as far as the eye can see. Unlucky for me, as far as I can see has always been blocked by that fence - that damned fence that keeps us here.

"Do you ever think about what's out there?" I gestured to past the fence,

"Not really, I guess I never considered it." Peter shrugged.

"We can't be the only ones left. It just doesn't seem right," I frowned, "like, they taught us about the world, how big it really is and that we're only a small part of what there once was."

"Well clearly you didn't pay much attention love, they also told us the rest of the world was destroyed. Or did you forget that part?" he teased, tapping me on the nose,

"I guess so. I just really wanna see it for myself, but I don't think I'll ever get the chance." I started picking at the grass in front of me,

"Maybe you will, maybe you won't," Peter shrugged, "But all I know is I don't want to leave, not when everything I need is right here." he threw his arm over my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek over and over,

"Ugh, you're so cheesy," I giggled as he continued kissing my face,

"You love it," he pushed me over, pinning me down against the grass so his face was hovering just inches above mine,

"I do." I grinned probably the biggest smile I had in weeks as I looked into those warm, chocolate brown eyes of his.

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