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the eerie, forlom atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet.

I woke up with a ringing in my ear and squinting my eyes at the light, I pulled myself up in the bed I was sat in and my head started to throb heavily, "Careful, you took a heavy hit." I heard Will's voice in front of me, my eyes began to adjust and his silhouette started to form a more solid shape. A sharp coldness shot up the side of my face and I flinched away, "It's just an ice pack, Baby you're fine."

"What happened?" I mumbled, groaning through the pain in my cheek,

"Your fight with Ed didn't go so well, remember?" Will sympathetically smiled, "You got a nice bruise to show for it." he chuckled. I looked across the room at a mirror and sure enough, there was a stretch of purple and yellow skin across my left cheekbone and part of my jaw.

"Shit.." I said as I raised my fingers to touch the bruise, wincing at the contact. "How long have I been out?"

"Only an hour or so, Eric's still finishing up with some fights then he said he's got something fun planned for tonight."


"Wow, you look...look bad." It was almost sunset and Tris had only just woken up from her fight this morning with Peter. Christina grimaced at the sight of her fragile body, laying on the bed as she woke up. Her skin was pale, like she'd seen a ghost, and her face was covered in bruises and scrapes- if it wasn't for the rising and falling of her chest, you would've thought she was dead.

"How long have I been here?" her voice was weak, and the sound of her words barely reached my ears,

"About a day." Will told her,

"A day?" she raised her brows, "Have you seen the score board? Where am I?"

"You're below the line, Tris" I broke the news to her, someone had to say something. However, she seemed less devastated than I thought she would, she seemed determined,

"Why are you wearing those vests?" she frowned at us in our combat gear. Will told her about Eric's idea of fun in war games and she leant forward to climb out of bed.

"Woah, what are you doing?" Chris pushed her back to the bed,

"I'm coming." she argued

"You can't." Will said without remorse, "Eric says you're done." Tris looked up at him, heartbroken, "He said you were out. Your father's on the council, Tris. Maybe they'll make an exception and let you go home." Will unusually tried to give some form of comfort,

"We're sorry, Tris." I apologised on all our behalves,

"We gotta go." Will nudged my side, looking at the digital watch on his wrist "We're gonna miss the train."


As the train pulled out of the station, there was commotion at the door, Tobias had leant out the side door and he swung round to pull someone in. Some dumbass must've missed the train. The crowds cleared and Tris stumbled into the carriage, brushing the hair out of her eyes, she walked over to us. "Hi?" Chistina laughed, probably as shocked as the rest of us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I just figured that I had to make it." she shrugged her shoulders as she caught her breath. Eric noticed what was going on and walked up to Tris,

"Who let you out?" he questioned

"I did." Tris replied boldly, with a smug grin plastered on her face.

"You did?" Eric chuckled in disbelief with a cynical smile on his face. I was expecting him to shout at her, send her to solitary confinement for a week or something crazy like that. But he stood calmly, smirked as he looked at her and breathed out a deep breath, "Okay." And just like that, he left her alone and walked off.

Back To You // Peter HayesWhere stories live. Discover now