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someone who takes joy in finding fault

"Wake up loser!" Will jumped onto my bed, shoving me out of a rare deep sleep, "It's tattoo day."

"Sorry, the person you are calling is currently unavailable, please leave a message after the beep," I mumbled into the pillow, making a high-pitched beeping noise,

"Don't get all grumpy, this was your plan."

I'd made the plan a few days ago that me and Will would go get more tattoos since I was feeling a little depressed, it seemed better than actually dealing with my problems, because who wants to do that? I was in the mood to just get absolutely covered, why not? it's practically painless compared to the shit we go through in training. I dragged myself out of bed and chucked on the baggiest clothes i could find, along with some comfy sneakers, "What are we waiting for then?" I retorted sarcastically. By the time we got round to the tattoo parlour, I was still yawning and Will was practically dragging me across the hallway.

As soon as we got there, I ran straight over to Selena (she's got the best rep in dauntless for tattoos- despite her annoying habit for gossip), "What are you like for availability today? I've got big plans." I smirked,

She gave me a knowing smile, "I'm free all day, let's get started."


"What made you wanna do this then?" Selena pried as she placed down one of the patches,

"I just needed a change, felt impulsive." I shrugged.

"Nah, that's not it." she chuckled lightly "what's his name?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You remind me of me, chances are that not a lot of things bother you, but when they do it's because of something people wouldn't expect." she smiled, "And for girls like us, that unexpected thing is a guy, or a girl, I'm not discriminating," she held up her hands in defense "You just don't give me the vibe that you swing that way." I was lost for words, am I really that transparent and easy to read? I just laughed in disbelief and shyly shook my head. "So it is a guy? What did he do?"

"It's complicated." I shrugged,

"Yeah, I've heard that one before, elaborate."

"Well, we hate each other, like really really hate. We had knives at each other's throats the other day - that kind of hate..." I trailed off,

"But..." Selena pushed,

"But, there's this weird tension between us and I can't figure out why it's there. So we've kissed, a few times now. But we were drunk one of those times so it doesn't even count. He just makes me so angry, all the time. Yet, whenever he's not around, it feels strange, I don't know - like there's some sort of gap where he's meant to be. And without that conflict, it feels wrong." I found myself rambling on, not really sure where I was going or what my point was, "Sure, he's nice to me sometimes, and when we get along, it doesn't feel forced. I just don't understand him, he's bipolar as fuck."

"Hmm, interesting." Selena laughed to herself, "That does sound complicated. Has anyone ever told you there's actually a very fine line between love and hate?" she smirked,

"No! No, God, no," I visciously shook my head, "Selena, no way, Peter is awful."

"Hmm, okay." I could tell she didn't believe me but couldn't be bothered to argue my point any further, he's not worth my breath.

It's a good thing we have the technology we do for tattoos, I heard that people used to get them by sticking needles into your skin a million times over and over - yikes. And after today, I don't think there would be much more of me to stab with a needle. Selena peeled off the final cover and I looked down at all the new tattoos I got.

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