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delusions of happiness

"If you're ranked above the red line, you'll move on to the second stage of training. If you're below it, we'll waste no more time on you." Max gathered all the initiates in the cafeteria for the ceremony of the first stage, the dreaded blackboard had been moved here for everyont to see, "Here are your rankings."

The board lit up and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered faster with every second. Names began to fill in at the numbers and I spotted mine almost instantly, second place.


My hand shot up over my mouth and I couldn't help but laugh, how the fuck did I manage that? Edward got first place, that was expected, but me? Second place? Will tackled me in a huge hug along with Christina, Tris and Al. We had all made it through to stage two suprisingly, I really thought Al wasn't gonna make it, no offence to him.

"And!" Max began again, "And to celebrate your hard work, tonight we will host a party, this will only ever happen twice during an initiation year here so enjoy it while you can."


The music was pulsating throughout the pit, bouncing off the walls with vibrations so big I could physically feel the music through my skin. The drinks were full of cheap alcohol and very little mixer so by midnight, everyone was beyond smashed. The room was crammed and crowded but nobody much cared, heat radiated from everyones bodies creating a humid and sweaty atmosphere. It was kinda gross but it somehow made me feel alive. I'd lost sight of my friends a little while ago, this wasn't exactly Tris or Al's kind of experience and Will disappeared with Christina ages ago. They'd been staring at each other since the ceremony, you could cut the sexual tension with a knife, besides, it was going to happen sooner or later.

Maybe it was the drink or maybe I'm just paranoid but I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching me. I looked around me and sure enough it was neither of those, I was being watched. Peter stood across the room, one foot propped against the wall as he took a sip from the plastic cup in his hand. His chocolate brown eyes stared deeply into my own, then looked down, then back up at my eyes. There was something in the way he looked at me, I couldn't quite put a pin on it, he looked like he was in pain, I'd never seen such sadness in anyone's eyes but my own. I carried on dancing with everyone else without looking away from him. It was like my eyes were stuck, frozen on his, I couldn't look away, I didn't want to look away.

He took that as a sign to come over, downing his drink and throwing away the empty cup. He squeezed through the crowds to get to me, sliding his hands onto my hips and throwing my arms over his shoulders. He pulled me in closer and I slipped my fingers into his curly hair, still not able to look away from him. His hands brushed past the bare skin on my torso, sending shivers up my waist, his touch was so gentle, so careful, so warm. It was like he was a different person entirely. I buried my head in his shoulder and my nose was overwhelmed by the smell of leather and pine. He was intoxicating.

I was knocked out of my trance by his hand lifting my chin out of his shoulder and pulling my face closer to his. I could feel the warmth of his breath on my lips and couldn't hold myself back anymore, the memory of kissing him was so vividly burned in my brain and I wanted- no, needed to feel that way again. I tugged gently on his hair, pushing his face onto mine and crashing our lips together. His grip on my waist tightened as he forced his lips on mine, as if we couldn't be close enough. One of his hands slipped down and grabbed my ass, making me gasp. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, pushing against my own. The same feeling as last time erupted inside me, only it was ten times stronger, seratonin bursting throughout my body. Shocks travelled up my sides as Peter ran his hands up and down my body, I tangled one of my hands in his hair and pushed against his chest with the other,

"Baby, c'mon." Peter pulled away from the kiss and grabbed my hand, tugging me away from the crowds and into an empty hallway,

"Where are we-" He cut me off by passionately smashing his lips back onto mine.

His hands ran down my body to the backs of my thighs, "Jump." he mumbled into the kiss, I hopped up and wrapped my legs around his hips as he lifted me up and pressed me against the wall. The cold concrete against my back made me shiver and I giggled, "Shhh." Peter warned as we were still dangerously close to where everyone else was, but I couldn't stop. The giggles got caught in my throat and I couldn't stop laughing, Peter screwed up his face, trying to be angry but his face quickly broke out into a smile and he laughed even louder than me. The sound echoed throughout the hallway, bouncing off the walls until it faded to nothing more than a whisper.

Peter set me down gently on the ground and held my hand in his, "C'mon, we should get bed now." he led me down the corridor to the dorm room, the pair of us in a giddy mess by the time we arrived, shushing each other while laughing to try and not wake anyone else. "Get to bed Baby, I'll see you in the morning." Peter rested me down on my bed and threw the blankets over me,

"Where are you going?" I asked him,

"I just have something I need to do, don't worry about it." he stumbled on nothing as he walked, clearly not at all sober. Not like I could judge, because neither was I.

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