Chapter Twenty-Two

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I know this one's long but Trust Me, the ending is worth it. There's writing in bold telling you when to play the song.
For the rest of the day Toria had tried her absolute hardest to avoid Miss Peregrine at all costs, after being caught by Emma in the closet the brunette didn't even look back after getting herself off of the wall she'd walked out of that room without giving a second thought as to the state she'd left the poor Ymbryne in.

But then 4:30pm came around to quickly and it was time for Toria and Miss P to start preparing dinner for everyone. Neither looked at each other and when it came to giving instructions in regards to what needed to be done very few words were said and if anything Toria had to go off of common sense, as to figuring out what needed to be done.

It wasn't that the Ymbryne was angry at the brunette who worked with her in the kitchen, if anything it was quite the opposite. She could barely bring herself to talk to the younger woman let alone make eye contact, if anything it felt like a constant battle with herself to keep her composure intact. 

Miss Peregrine had been so embarrassed by what had happened earlier in the day, it wasn't that she was embarrassed because of what she was going to do and would have done, that was her own choice, it was the being caught by one of her children that made her neck redden and cheeks go hot, and suddenly the situation had felt far more dramatic and overwhelming than what it had actually been.

She wanted to talk to Toria and act as if it had never happened but it had and Alma worried that it was only her who'd made the move, that if anything Toria had never wanted it and that frightened her above all else and prevented her words from working properly.

What if Toria hadn't had wanted it? what if it were Alma who'd wanted to lean into that kiss? How could she have been so stupid as to take advantage of that moment where Toria had been most vulnerable.

Yet still Alma fantasised at how that moment would have played out if they hadn't been caught. The feeling of the Welsh woman's lips resting against her own and that undeniable feeling of something foreign blossoming in the Peregrine's heart. Would that moment have only been a one time offer or would it have lead to something more, a relationship that Miss Peregrine had never had before.

And then the oven dinged and Miss Peregrine was swiftly pulled out her, what if, thoughts and the usual reflexes of preparing dinner re-instated themselves and soon all 13 plates had been filled with food and placed on the dinning room table to be eaten.

Movies and reset then came and went with nothing to eventful coming from them. The movies still consisted of Horace going shopping, this time he was accompanied with toria who's opinion he valued when it came to picking the right matching set. 

Then reset had gone as it always had, even with Alma feeling slightly disconnected that evening, no bombs had fallen and it was still nighttime September 2nd 1940, when the clocks had gone back.

Now it was well into the night and all the children had been tucked into bed and kissed goodnight by their Headmistress/Mother figure. 

Toria hadn't yet fallen asleep though as she seemed to struggle to stop her mind from being stimulated with all these different thoughts and ideas, so in an attempt to fall asleep, the brunette had chosen a book from downstairs and began to read it in attempt to calm her mind.

Yet if anything the book had only encouraged the woman to stay up longer and of course with Toria never being one to deny the requests of a good book, she did indeed stay up and continue to read the story, completely enraptured by the pages flowing text.

Then a faint noise broke the complete silence that had fallen upon the house, at first the woman who sat in bed, didn't take any notice of the sound that had momentarily distracted her from her reading but then another noise followed and then another slightly louder one came. 

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