Chapter Nine

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It was the big day, the all important day in every High School leavers life, they day that they would receive the white envelope containing their future. Just over a month of exams and a years worth of revision and then a lifetime of school had all been leading up to this one moment and Toria was both ecstatic and deadly nervous to open up the all mysterious envelope.

Originally she was going to open it in front of her parents at home but when her mum and dad got called away to the mainland of England for work related business Toria's plans quickly had to change. 

So without a care in the world of who may be watching her, Toria was running in a flowing summer dress, making her way down to the beach. The one good thing about Results Day was that it always fell on the exact same day, which just so happened to be a Thursday on the second week in August.

So here Toria was brushing back her brown locks that were flying free and trying her best to keep her dress from flying up in her face due to the wind, as she ran all the way down the beach. She knew immediately after finding out that her parents wouldn't be there for her to open her results in front of, that she would instead open then for the first time in front of Miss Peregrine.

By some miracle Toria had avoided tripping over any stones or rocks on her way down to her spot on the beach and of course like clock work as always, there was a Peregrine Falcon waiting patiently atop a stone boulder. 

Toria couldn't contain her enthusiasm and anticipation any longer as she ran down jumping in the air in pure excitement once she reached the blue feathered bird. Thankfully Miss Peregrine knew the reason for the girl's immense excitement as Toria had told her the week before that she would be receiving her exam results the following week because if she hadn't the poor Headmistress would be utterly baffled.

"I got them!" Toria exclaimed out of breath as she doubled over trying to catch her breath and move her tousled hair from out of her mouth and face. Toria was beginning to loose any patience she had left and it seemed that even Miss Peregrine was getting excited about the girl opening the envelope, as the bird began to nudge the white envelope with her slightly yellow beak.

"Okay, Okay I'm opening them, gosh you seem nearly as excited as me," Toria joked nudging the bird playfully with her elbow, as she glanced down at the envelope and took one last deep breath before she ripped the thing open.

Feeling to nervous to sit, Toria decided to stand for when she'd look at her results, then it was time to pull the piece of paper out and immediately Toria's eyes darted to the results looking for two results in particular.

Upon finding these results Toria let out a noise that was something between a cry and a scream and suddenly Miss Peregrine began to panic, was she okay? Had something not gone right? Though toria didn't give Miss Peregrine time to voice her panic and she very quickly cleared up the worry as tears began to stream down her cheeks.

"I passed Maths!" Toria squealed she'd never been so happy in her entire life, she'd actually done it, not only had she passed Maths but she'd actually got a Grade 5 on her papers. Miss Peregrine didn't even need to hear the second part about the five she was still ecstatic for the sixteen year old, she knew exactly how much that passing grade meant to Toria.

"I could never have done it without you Miss Peregrine," Toria told the bird as she began to wipe away the tears so she could take a seat next to the blue bird. Yes it was true that Toria had been the one to memorise the information and actually sit the exam but if Toria didn't have her Thursdays with Miss Peregrine then the subject would never would've become enjoyable and without her help on the homework she would have never been able to understand it.

Now sat beside the Falcon Toria took the moment to centre herself and began reading the rest of the Grades to Miss Peregrine. These included: two 4's in two of her sciences and a 5 in biology, then a 6 in RE, an 8 in Drama, a 9 in History, a 5 in French and finally a 9 in English Literature and 8 in English Language.

When Miss Peregrine heard the two English results was when she truly couldn't contain her excitement any longer and in a moment of a lapse of judgement, the usually conservative Headmistress did a loopty loop in the air whilst cawing loudly to show Toria just how happy she was for her. 

When Toria saw what the Peregrine was doing she couldn't help but chuckle as her eyes lit up seeing Miss Peregrine do that for her.

All Toria wanted to see from these results was a pass in Maths and for her to excel in both History and English and she had been able to accomplish it. She could now go onto the college courses she wanted with all the right grades.

There was a moment of silence between the two as Toria tried to take everything in, the moment was quickly interrupted though by the clanging of something that sounded like metal coming from next to Toria. When the brunette looked over to see what was causing the disturbance she saw Miss Peregrine now had an object in front of her.

Slipping her results back into their envelope Toria settled it under her arm so she could see what exactly the object was. When toria leant down to grab the object, she saw that it was actually a bracelet, a bracelet made from silver with a twirling pattern encompassing it, it was simply stunning.

"What's this Alma?" Toria didn't alway use Miss Peregrine's first name preferring to use her nickname to tease her or her title to be respectful, as she'd quickly realised that the Falcon was very much a stickler for manners and posture.

To answer Toria's question Alma pushed the bracelet that the girl was holding closer her to her wrist, encouraging her to put the piece of jewellery on. "Well that doesn't answer my question, now does it?" Toria answered simply but soon caved in and placed the bracelet on her wrist and was surprised to see that it fit perfectly.

She wasn't quite sure where the blue feathered bird had gotten the gift from and somewhat sadly she simply presumed that it was something that the Falcon had picked up when flying across the beach but still it was the thought that count.

"Thank you Pretty Bird, I love it." Toria smiled down at her friend, truly grateful for the present she had been given. Miss Peregrine was happy to see that her gift was well appreciated and she could only imagine what Toria was truly thinking about the bracelet and where it had possibly come from.

The two spent a little less time then usually together before Toria decided to leave to go and call her parents about her results, completely unaware that not much time would remain where her weeks would remain so routined and her Thursdays with the Peregrine Falcon may sooner or later fade away.
Oh no, I wonder what's going to happen next and the picture at the top is the bracelet Miss P gets Toria. Until next time fellow readers.

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