Chapter Seven

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It was incredible how much time had passed in a blink of an eye, Toria was no longer an eleven year old in year seven but a thirteen year old in the beginning of year nine.

Even after two years, even after so much had changed one thing still hadn't and Toria's Thursday rendezvous still happened every week even during the holidays it was the only time of the week that she had asked her parents to always keep the same and thankfully they had agreed.

Both Miss Peregrine and Toria had learnt so much about each other, Alma knew all of Toria's hobbies and all the school gossip, some of which she wished she hadn't been told but never the less Toria had also been able to figure some things about Alma as well.

Toria now knew that Pretty Bird had a middle name though Miss Peregrine wouldn't even entertain the idea of Toria trying to figure that one out and some how Toria was convinced that she roughly knew how old Miss Peregrine was but aside from being years away from her actual age she'd been able to mortify the poor woman with some of the ages she'd suggested. 53, now that was just insulting how on earth had Miss Peregrine ever even given the hint of a clue that she could possibly be that old.

She'd actually refused to acknowledge Toria for a good twenty minutes after that heinous suggestion, it wasn't until several pleading apologies had left the now thirteen year old's mouth and the bribe of both feather strokes and apple pieces, that Alma eventually caved in.

Time Skip to Present Day

"Oh This isn't working, This is terrible!" Toria groaned out her frustrations as she walked back and forth on herself with a piece of paper in her hand. If there was one thing that changed it was Toria's attitude, yes she was still as sweet as ever but when she was annoyed everyone definitely knew about it. She was a true teenager.

Miss Peregrine cawed loudly at the girl and now after two years with the Falcon, Toria could tell when she was being nice or when she was telling her off and this was her telling her off, properly for her loud whining , that was something Toria quickly learned Miss Peregrine hated.

"I'm sorry bossy bird but I have a Drama assessment next Monday and I'm currently set to fail it, so unless you've got any bright ideas?" Toria spoke to the bird and in Alma's opinion Toria should already be given full marks, simply for being such a drama Queen.

Having had enough, Miss Peregrine flew up in front of Toria and hit her lightly on the cheek with her wing, which Toria took as answer enough and the teenager began to try and pull herself together.

"Okay I'm sorry but you are a bit bossy," Toria gave a half hearted apology which Alma did not appreciate responding with hitting the girl's script, to try and get her to do it again.

"Fine I'll try again." Contented with the answer Miss Peregrine flew back over to the slab of stone and waited for Toria to begin again. Toria began her monologue again, she was meant to be performing one of Lady Macbeth's Monologues for the assessment but she just couldn't get it quite right and it was becoming infuriating.

"The Raven himself is hoarse, that croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan, under my battlements."

"No, no it's all wrong!" Toria then whined again about ready to give up yet again. Until Miss Peregrine had decided that she'd had enough and so flying furiously ever to the brunette she began to knock certain parts of Toria's body in place.

Moving her arms to be bent in front of her and hands clasped together, she then moved her chin up so her head was held high and finally she pushed slightly on the girl's back to straighten her posture.

Toria knew better then to complain whilst Miss Peregrine went to work but that didn't stop the teenager from letting out a groan and an unnecessary 'Ow' every once in a while. Once finished Alma surveyed her handy work and nodded in approval for Toria start again and this time with out complaint Toria spoke the entire monologue perfectly.

"Yes it worked! thank you Pretty Bird!" The nickname still hadn't disappeared either and Toria very rarely used Alma's actually name. Toria walked up to the blue feathered bird who was giving her a smug bird look, whilst Toria began to stroke her feathers in thanks.

"I actually have something for you," Toria said as she pulled her hand away from Alma's feathers and she began to walk over to her school began, searching through it until she pulled out her sketch pad.

Walking back over to Miss Peregrine, Toria sat on the edge of the stone surface next to her long time companion. Opening up the sketch pad and flicking through the pages until she found what she was looking for, "here we are."

Toria then pulled back the many pages and turned the pad round to show Miss Peregrine what she had done for her. When Miss Peregrine's bird level stare locked onto the page in front of her, she couldn't help but smile in her own bird like way.

Sat on the page was a drawing, a beautiful and near perfect drawing of Alma in her bird form, Toria had drawn this for her?

"I've done at least fifty over the past two years but none of them were perfect but I think this one is, so..." Taking a momentary pause she began to tear the page out of the sketch pad, once Toria had freed the drawing from the book she held it close, "I want you to have it."

She slowly began to pass it over to Miss Peregrine, who took the piece of paper with her beak. "I know you'll probably end up dropping it in the sea but I always wanted you to have it."

Toria's imagination had never faded from when she was younger if anything it only grew stronger with every passing year, as her mind matured so did her imagination and those dreams sometimes ended up in the real world, though Toria had yet to notice.

"I have to go now, wish me look on my assessment," Toria spoke with a final stroke to Miss Peregrine's feathers, "Bye Pretty Bird," And just like every week Toria began to head home and so did Miss Peregrine.
Is Toria based off my own interests and dramatic nature. Yes, yes she is.

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