Chapter Twenty

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Two days had passed since Emma had offered her assistance in the plan that had now been titled Capture the Bird. The capturing part, according to Emma was a reference to Miss Peregrine's heart, something the blonde had quickly made clear for Toria when the older woman gave a confused and slightly weary look.

In regards to progress made there had been very little, Emma though made sure to reassure the brunette that all good things came with time but that the bird would be her's by the end of the month, which immediately made Toria turn a bright red in embarrassment.

Today was like any other normal day for the peculiar children and everything was running like its usual clock work. Breakfast had been and gone with little to no problems and then lunch rolled around now everyone was getting themselves ready to enjoy their free time for the afternoon.

Toria hadn't chosen what she was going to do with her free time but she simply assumed a book should do the trick but then as she was heading to Miss Peregrine's study to pick a novel a little voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Toria!" Little Claire came bounding down the corridor towards the brunette her voice full of excitement and her face carrying its usual childlike grin. Claire had stopped her playful running once she was standing in front of the only other adult in the house, "Toria, will you play tea parties with me in the parlour?" Claire asked in the sweetest voice the welsh girl had ever heard and there was no way she could refuse.

"Of course Claire, why don't you show me the way." Toria's voice was soft and happy she bent down to the curly blonde girl, offering out her hand so she could lead the way to the parlour, which was only a two second walk back down the long hallway.

Upon entering the parlour Toria saw that the tea party was already all set up with all the usual utensils and equipment necessary, clearly Claire had never even contemplated that her guest would have said now and the guest in question on found this even more sweet.

Claire was quick to direct Toria as to where to sit, saying she'd been given a designated spot and then Clair took her own place by the tea set pretending to prepare the tea that would soon be served. Then Claire was picking up the tea pot and steadying her arms to put two cups of tea, well that was before knocking on the parlour doors and a voice made itself known.

"Hey what you doing?" It was Hugh who was standing in the doorframe looking curiously at the two occupants of the living room space.

"We're playing tea parties," Claire announced joyful whilst holding up the tea pot to make completely as to what her and Toria were up to.

"Oh cool, can I join?" Hugh asked hopefully and then another pair of footsteps were heard alongside another voice.

"Oh fun parlour games can I join to," It was Millard who was surprisingly dressed for once in his jacket, pants and hat.

A 'yes' hadn't even been given yet and already the two boys were walking into the parlour like they owned the place, both taking seats in front of Toria and Claire.

Then before Toria could even speak another set of running feet, much louder this time, came bounding down the hallway followed by a voice shouting "Olive wait up!" That was certainly Emma who was shouting but before the face appeared to accompany the voice, Olive arrived first at the parlour entrance.

"Hey Em almost everyone's in here!" Olive turned her face back down the corridor and shouted to Emma who's lead shoes made her entrance into the house more than a little obvious.

"I'm.. I'm here," Emma said slightly out of voice as she grabbed onto the doorframe for support as she attempted catch her breath, "Are, are we playing something?" Emma asked when she had watched the majority of breath back.

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