Judgement didn't want to waste anymore time talking and swung her arms forward, in attempt to get him from both sides.

Y/n quickly dodged the attack with a simple flap of his wings sending him higher into the air.

Chains immediately ripped out of the ground as if they were waiting for him to take off, they began following him,

"Come on Judgement we've been through this already!" He laughed. He stopped mid-air and spoke. "Anemostróvilos" Air begins to turn and twist, making the chains overlap themselves, tying them up uselessly.

A lot more chains this time then previous spars.

Felt like he was actually gonna get into some real trouble when he returned.

Cold seeped through the pores of his hand, the air spiralled the frost it created on his fingers, turning them into glistening icicles.

However they didn't move, instead they collected around his person.

Judgement of course prepared something in her own right instead of trying to destroy his own plan.

After collecting tens of the cold poles he sent them flying towards Judgement. "Ékrixi aéra" With a little extra boost on top. A circle appeared just before the icicles and as soon they passed through it was like their speed was doubled.

Judgement threw up a sort of net, it was huge and when Y/n looked close he could see it was actually made up of tiny chains, something like that would easily block his attacks.

"Stimóni" A distorted word came from his mouth.

It was as if the icicles glitched and and teleported. In an instant they were behind her net.

Judgement was surprised and by reflect brought her head blow her gauntlets to block the incoming rain. Chains quickly surrounded her forming a dome. Chains whipped out of shape destroying all incoming icicles, none even touched the dome.

The chain dome receded as all was left was a pissed off looking Judgement with a small cut on her face.

Her claws brightened with angelic energy and she barely moved her finger.

Y/n was a good two hundred yard away considering height and distance, but there was no time to react as a chain ripped past him slicing his cheek.

He looked down at Judgement who had a satisfied smirk on her face.

"What in the name of Gaia was that!" He called down angrily towards the annoyed demon.

Judgement immediately gained a snarl on her face. "The hell are you on about? How bout you tell me what that little teleportation trick was then we'll talk!"

"It was just a spell!" Y/n shouted annoyed with the white-haired woman.

"Then that was just a chain!" She had a very prideful smile on her face.

He went to speak then pondered on what he had to say against that. "Touché." He nodded resentfully. "Fine th-"

His head immediately whipped backwards as he felt a shattering feeling trail all around his body. That shield is supposed to protect him from very dangerous and lethal attacks. Things that would be instant death, anything weaker then that was let past.

He immediately dove to the ground in fear that whatever that was would happen again.

Judgement saw his reaction and decided against attacking.

"The hell! Didja miss?"

Judgement immediately turned her head to the shouting voices behind her two men holding up rifles.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu