File 4.3

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One week later.

Y/n's pov

I'd like to say there was more to it, but there wasn't. There was no touching moment or forgiveness. Once the kids' were safe, a helicopter with spies came and took the red circle for questioning; however, up until now, no answers have been found. From time to time, I still go to that base and madly run around, searching for explanations on the walls. Is there a third party in this war?
If yes, why would red cupid turn to them?

I took a sharp breath as I heard Anya and Becky giggling and running around while an annoyed Damian chased them. Moments like this reminded me why I fought so hard all my life, so kids would have a chance.

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice call me, and before I knew it, someone had sat next to me and said, "There's no need to worry now. They have caught them."

"Demetrius, you don't understand," my eyes were glossy and my voice was cracking. "This is so much more than just a kidnapping. It's not over until we learn why they did that."

A ring coming from my phone interrupted me.

I looked down at the name on the shiny screen. Rachel.

"Excuse me," I told Demetrius, "I need to take this."

A million thoughts ran through my mind as I walked to a private area, and after making sure no one was listening, I answered.


"Y/n!" Rachel's voice could be heard from the other side: "I need to tell you something. It cannot wait."

"Go on."

"So, that was my sister there. The one who did the kidnapping." She spoke, "She's not a bad person, I swear; she's just been manipulative by our father. She's innocent. Please help her." Rachel started crying.

"Rachel." I spoke, "What do you know about the red circle?"

"It's close to a cult," Rachel spoke. "They play with black magic and stuff like that. Circuses are their playgrounds. There are members all over the world. Their speciality is driving people to madness," Rachel started sobbing, "just like they did with my sister."

"And what's their goal?"

"To kill. They don't care about anything, Y/N. They believe that humans are destroying the planet. They want to end them all."

I ended the call with the recording and sent it to Sylvia. While we were busy killing each other, there were people plotting our destruction for ages. Now the only thing we can do to stop them is to work together.


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