File 3.7

376 15 2

"Wakey wakey sleeping beauty!"

"Five more minutes Stacy!"

She frowned annoyed. "This is no fun." Crossing her arms she sat on my bed, changing her previous position that was just above my head  "you" she pointed at me with 'venom' on her voice "are no fun."

"Oh spare me!" I said trying not to chuckle.

"Seriously!" Stacy whined "you never get scared, it's getting so old!"

"Well no one has ever scared me or surprised me." I said rubbing my eyes "and trust me my darling, you won't be the first one." Okay maybe that wasn't entirely true. I did get scared an surprised the day where I found out that all my friends died and again the day that I found out that one of them was still alive.

"Like hell I will!" She said hopping of my bed  "now I have a mission that I need to complete! And I'll die before giving up."

"Well good luck then." I said turning around, facing the wall "you'll need it."

Then she leaned forward and rested her hands on my shoulders shaking me. "Get dressed, we'll go out for breakfast." Then Stacy started walking towards my closet. "I'll help you pick something. Maybe a sundress or shorts with a crop top?" She said roaming through my closet.

"Shorts with a crop top would be nice." I said resting my elbow where my head used to lay and moving the other  hand on my hip. "By the way... when did you get here?" I said looking at her as she pulled out denim shorts and a white button shirt together with a lacy bra. "I saw you and some other girls at the surfing competition."

"Change of plans." She said throwing the clothes at me "instead of a crop top you'll wear this button up white shirt, you won't button it up to the top of course and this lacy black bra. You'll rock them" Than she sit again at the edge of my bed. "To answer your question, I got here about two days before you and Demi did. And why didn't you talk to me babes? I'd have loved to see you, you know?"

"Well no one was to know I was there." I responded. "I didn't want Demetrius' ego to reach the sky." Demetrius. My mind was lost on the events that happened last night, making my face hit up.

"Are you fine?" Stacy asked touching my cheek. "You feel hot. Do you have a fever?" She said leaning closer with a concerned look on her face.

"I'm fine. It was just really hot during night that's all."

She smiled. "If you say so-" then she got up and started waking toward the door before giving me one last glance "now dress fast. I'll be waiting for you downstairs. Becky and Anya are already at the restaurant.

I felt really lucky to have Stacy. What would I ever do without her?


As soon as I finished dressing, I starting waking downstairs.

"No mom!" I heard Stacy shout. "I won't change. What's the point of the skirt if it isn't the size of a belt? And also we're at a beach for gods sake!" She said pacing through the room. "I don't care how many boys will be there! If they dare to look I'll just pluck their eyeballs out."

I leaned on the door frame waiting for her to end the call. "Wow okay Paris Hilton" I said jokingly as she gave me a dirty look.

"My mom is just being annoying." She sighed before patting the place besides her as she sat on the sofa. "Come here."

"I thought we were late." I said, sitting anyway.

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