File 0.5

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My first day at Eden college is about to start and I'm stressed as hell. Me, y/n Forger, code name: midnight was sent to help Loid Forger, code name: Twilight with the mission of the centery.
To succeed the mission I have to become a imperial scholar and get along with Demetrius Desmond.

How hard can it be?

It was settled after the morning muster and breakfast, operation get close to Demetrius Desmond will immediately start. And maybe after school I can even meet Anya.


That morning muster made me feel like a solider and unfortunately, I couldn't find Stacy nor Every anywhere.

As I entered the cafeteria I heard a shouting.


As I took my English breakfast, I headed to the table where Stacy and Every were sat.

"Sooo you're ready for you first day of class?"

"Yeah I'm just kinda nervous you know."

I looked over for Anya but then I remembered, she eats her breakfast at home.

As soon as I heard the bell ring, I headed to classes. Then suddenly I saw Demetrius walking alone, well he had every girl at the hallway looking at him but whatever. Now was my chance to make the first move, just like in those movies!

So you know what I did?

That's right!

I bumped into him!

Well clearly it didn't go as expected....

"Ummm I'm sorry I-"

"Just watch where you're going next time"

And with that he left.

He didn't even help me to pick up the books that I dropped. Such a stick up asshole.

How could I even have him to notice me?

Looking down in disappointment I noticed that he dropped something, his hand handkerchief!
He might get a Tonitrus Bolt for not carrying it all the time.


But he was gone.

I just sighed.

But there is no problem I'll just give it to him during class.

~later during class~

"State your business with mr. Desmond if you want to talk with him" his little minion said.

"I just have to give him-"

"Nuh-huh! He can't go waisting his precious time with you."

Soon the teacher entered and I had to go and seat down.

Looking over the teacher, I noticed something weird, the way he held himself while walking wasn't exactly the same, as when I had seem him in the hallway. And then he winked at me.


I nodded at him in acknowledge and then he started talking.

"So class today I'll cut the lesson short, We're having a project in groups of 2 people, Before you get too excited I'm deciding the groups." he said while everyone just sighed in annoyance since they could not chose the groups by themselves "the main reason of this project is to get to know people that we don't usually talk with and make a report- I mean description of them."

"So Stacy and-" from that part I completely dozed off, until I heard my name that is "and the last one Y/n and Demetrius"

From behind I could hear Demetrius whispering to his friend, "Any idea how this y/n is?" And then his friend pointed at me. They continued whispering, but I didn't really have any interes to listen to them anymore.

When the ball rang Evan came towards me.

"Lord Demetrius said that you have to meet him at the library at 5pm."

Now first of all, after bumping into me, he didn't even help me pick up my books and now he's completely ignoring me.

I ran out the classroom and continued running until I found him. With one swift movement I took him to and empty classroom and with one hand pinned him against the wall and with one covered his mouth while he was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Look you dropped your little hand kerchief earlier, and I've been trying to give it you, since I know that if you don't carry one all times you might get a bolt."

The whole time I had to stay on my tiptoes since he was a lot taller then me. Then I finally shoved the hand kerchief in his pocket and left.

Bruh what the hell was that! Now not only did I make a fool of myself but I had to face him later at the library.

Or he even might just ditch me.

I'm sure he won't.



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