File 3.9

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Now that it was all clear I gave Rachel a big hug.

"Just so you know I'll always be here for you"

She nodded her head that was resting on my shoulder. Tears were threatening to spill out of her eyes and words seemed to be caught up on her throat.
As soon as she broke the hug, I slightly gripped her shoulders.

"Let's go to the beach now. Stacy must be waiting for us."


"Rachel! Y/n!" Stacy waved at us as soon as we arrived at the beach. "We're here!"

And true to her word, there were Demetrius, some random dude I've never seen before and she waiting for us.

"Hey!" The boy greeted me. "I'm Asher and you must be the chick who pissed off more than half the female population under eighteen on this island, a.k.a. Y/n."

"Well I'm more than flattered and nice to meet you too."

Suddenly, Stacys phone rang and she hopped up from the sunlounger she was sitting on.

"Well that's my call! Try to survive without me Y/n my love." She added before walking away.

Following her with my eyes, I noticed that she hopped on a motorbike behind a guy and drove off. So that must be the boy she was excited to meet.

"Well look at the time!" Asher glanced at his wrist. "I got to go. And I got to take Rachel too."

Before the poor girl could protest, she was walking away with Asher and I was left alone with the guy who called me his girl over text. Yay.

"I'm pretty sure he wasn't wearing a watch- anyway. Here's your bag." I said throwing it to his lap. "Also good to know mister 'popular around girls' made time to see poor old me. Such a honour." I added, sarcasm dripping out of my voice as I showed him a mocking smile.

Demetrius made his way to my sun lounger as his lips curled into a smirk. Coming closer, Demetrius leaned in and brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. His touch sent shivers down my spine and I have no fucking idea why.

Suddenly, he leaned close, way closer than a distance that couldn't be called intimate. His breath hit my ear as he slowly spoke.

"Jealousy isn't a good colour on you, love."

My eyes widened in surprise as I pushed him away.

"Too fucking close." I muttered under my breath.

Demetrius threw his hands to the air. "Though you'd be used to it by now."

"Ummm, excuse me?" A voice called from behind us.
I turned around and was met by a woman.
"We're doing a couples challenge but one of the couples called in sick. We are really in need of a couple who's willing to participate."

"Ehm," I cleared my throat. "I'm so sorry but we are not-" I stopped in surprise as I felt a pinch on my inner thigh.

And then Demetrius chimed in.
"Of course! Me and my girlfriend would love to participate."

"Great!" The eyes of the woman sparkled. "Please follow me."

We both rose to our feet as the lady escorted us to a garden which had two large tables and one on the middle. On the right table were sitting two teenage boys and two that seemed to be in their late twenties and on the left table there were four girls, two teenagers and two on their twenties.

Before going to our assigned tables, I grabbed Demetrius by the collar of his shirt. "I'll kill you."

He chuckled before walking away. "I love you too."

The lady went to the table in the middle.
"The rules are simple," she started, "I'll ask you a question and you'll write your answer on the notebook before you. If it's correct, you win a point, if not you don't. The couple with most points wins."

At first the questions were quite simple, we got all of them right. It was about dates, favourite restaurants etc.  That was until, the lady decided to spice things up.

"What colour is the lingerie that you use the most?"

I glanced at Demetrius and he winked at me. I knew the answer.

"Reveal the answer in one, two, three!"

A big 'nothing' stood on Demetrius' answer.

A big 'nothing' stood on mine too.

"A bit of context?" One of the teen girls asked.

"Sure thing," Demetrius gave her one of his charming smiles and I swore I saw a pink hue cover her cheeks. Even here?! "We like to dive straight to action. One less thing to rip off her body."

The other girls giggled while the boys all high fived Demetrius.

"Your relationship seems fun!" The other teen girl smiled at me.

"Oh you have no idea."

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