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So... Idk when (by that I mean the date) soma and Agni come in the story so I'm just gonna improvise and make it fit in my story line TvT.
That's all, enjoy the chapter

Location: UK; England; London; Phantomhive city villa

Time: 21st of Decemder 1888; 11:00 am


Harry POV:

"Here we are young master, you can go to your office. I shall get you when I finnished preparing your lunch. Finny, Bard, Tanaka, Mey-Rin, do what you need to do, now I'll excuse myself to prepare the food. Hadrian follow me."

"Yes sir!"

We -me, Mr. Sebastian, Mr. Baldroy, Mr. Finnian, Mrs. Mey-Rin, Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Phantomhive- just arrived at Mr. Phantomhive city villa for reasons that I don't know off. (A/N: Me neither, I just overflew the manga to know what happens next so yeah...) After lunch, Mr. Phantomhive wanted to go out in town with Mr. Sebastian. I was told to follow Mr. Sebastian everywhere so I can watch and also hypothetacly learn what Mr. Sebastian does, I was also told to only do things when I was asked to do so. We arrived in the kitchen and Mr. Sebastian started preparing the meal. I looked in my death list noticing that I need to reap a soul this afternoon.

'Perfect, I'll just need to excuse myself quickly to reap that soul while we are out.'

"Mr. Sebastian?"

"What is it Hadrian?"

"While we are out this afternoon, I'll need to excuse myself for a moment as I have a soul to reap, I just want to be sure that you are informed of that..."

"Alright, now can you cut these vegetables for me."

"Yes sir."

I went over to the table did what I was told to, being careful so that the veggies looks perfect. When I was done I handed them over to Mr. Sebastian. He looked at them for a second and then put them in the soup he was cooking. Mr. Sebastian asked for my help with some other things like adding spices or preparing something else to add in the soup and soon after that, we were done. We brought them to the Dinning room and I was asked to set the table, while I was doing so Mr. Sebastian spoke up.

"Tell me Hadrian, where did you learn how to cook? Because you are quite young -even tho you are a Shinigami- and from what I know about the Shinigami education, I know that it takes at least 5 to 6 years for an average person to finish it. You may have been over talented and so you probably aced the education but you must still have been quite young when you died. So this why I am asking you..."

I was silent for a moment staring at the plate I just placed. After a while I spoke up.

"W-well um... I... I learned by myself because... because I needed to cook everyday for the people I lived with... and... er... I... I-"

"Alright... I will tell the young master that he can come. I count on you to finish setting the table before he arrives."

"Yes sir!"

I quickly finished setting the table still making sure that everything is perfect, after that was done I just waited there. Not so long after, Mr. Phantomhive entered the room followed by Mr. Sebastian. I bowed down in respect, I straighened up waiting next to Mr. Sebastianfor Mr. Phantomhive to finish his meal.

"The taste is quite different from what you usually do, did you change anything in the recipe?"

I frose.

'Did I do something wrong? Did I mess up Mr. Sebastians work? Is it disgusting?'

Negative thoughs flooded my brain until Mr. Sebastian spoke up.

"I didn't change anything young master, it may be because Hadrian over here helped me cook the meal. Maybe that's why it tastes different from what I usually do."

"Mhm, I like it."

I released a breath I didn't know i was holding in relief, it was silent though.
We waited a little longer so that Mr. Phantomhive could finish. I took the dirty dishes back in the kitchen to clean them finishing quickly (A/N: Idk if they used to clean the dishes in the kitchen but let's suppose they did TvT.) while Mr. Sebastian prepared Mr. Phantomhive to go out. I joined them and we went out. After a little bit of walking we reached a pub where 2 men were infront of, Mr. Phantomhive and Mr. Sebastian seemed to know one of them because one of them called Mr. Phantomhive.

"Earl Phantomhive!"

"Hey you! How the hell did you get in here?"

"Lord Phantomhive... why are you here?"

"Heh. Isn't it obvious? I'm here to clean up the mess made by an old pathetic hunting dog."

"What the...!"

I tuned them out and took out a pocket clock (A/N: Is it what they're called? Idk...) to see what time it is.

'Hmm... I need to go reap that soul.'

I leaned slightly over to Mr. Sebastian and whispered to him.

"It's almost the time where that person I need to reap the soul of dies, I'll probably be back late at night because of the paperwork."


After that I went away so I can do my job wich took me way longer than I though. When I though I almost finished all of it, people kept adding more paperwork on the pile wich made me work over night until the next day at around 2:00 pm. When I finally came back I saw Mr. Phantomhive and Mr. Sebastian and 3 other people that I did not know, one of them was right next to Mr. Sebastian. Mr. Phantomhive and one of the strangers were dueling each other in fencing. I watched on the side until Mr. Phantomhive almost won a point against the other, the second stranger jumped foward and looked like he wanted to attack Mr. Phantomhive. I acted faster than I though and jumped foward taking the hit for Mr. Phantomhive.

"Huh...? Where did he come from?"

"Oh no! I'm so sorry, my body moved on it's own and I didn't think of what I was doing. I hope I didn't hit any vital point!"

I stood up and smiled.

"That's fine, 1 hit is nothing compared to the beatings I used to get daily so I'm fine-..."

There was a suffocating silence.

"I said that outloud didn't I?... Just... forget what you just heard..."

I shighed, my legs were weak and shaking because of my lac of energie I had.

'I must admit that hit is harder than I admit, I'm not used to that anymore...'

"Hadrian, could I know why you came back so late?"

"Ah- about that. My paperwork pile kept growing, I worked all night on it and just finnished minutes ago... Also, I appologise if I hit anyone!"

"That's fine, you protected me so you're excused."

"Yes! Agni, you also protected me and that's why I'm proud of you!"

"Thank you prince Soma..."


"Now, how about we do a rematch? Butler against butler!"

"That's a great idea Lau!"

Mr. Agni turned in the direction of Mr. Sebastian.

"Shall we do this Sebastian?"

"We shall."

With those words said, they both got a fencing sword and started fighting. I stood on the side next to Mr. Ciel, staring into the air.

'It's been 2 nights since I've last slept... I regret not sleeping on my first night working under Mr. Phantomhive...'

I felt my legs shaking even more and my vision blurred. I did my best to stay awake until my legs complitely gave out and I passed out...

~to be continued~

Kaboom,  a new update apeared!
I hope you enjoyed!
Have a good morning/day/night!
Bye <3

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