Chapter 36: Research Leaders

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Chapter 36: Research Leaders

In a certain room of the Main Star National Plant Cultivation Center, a young man is on duty here.

He is a researcher at the Plant Breeding Center. Recently, they have received a lot of anonymous plants. It has been identified that they are ancient earth plants that they have been cultivating for so many years without success! Those plants have been protected, and a special plant laboratory has been established to store and grow them. At least five experts observe and study them every day, and they have to queue up. The entire cultivation center is very strict with these plant treasures. The dean personally watches the growth status of the plants through the holographic projection every day, and repeatedly requests to protect them.

They spread the missing person notice all over the interstellar space, and promised to give super high treatment, so they did not find the mysterious person. Later, when a female researcher accompanied her friend Yun to taste, she unexpectedly found that there were so many magical plants and foods in the Lemon Kitchen live broadcast room! She was very pleasantly surprised and told the news to everyone at the National Plant Cultivation Center. The scientific research leaders who were usually reserved and calm were no longer calm, and they rushed to watch Lemon Chef's live broadcast room, and they signed up for the Shining live broadcast platform. Account to check. After reading it, all the scientific research leaders, including Mr. Dean, were shocked.


Does the Lemon Chef know how precious the vegetables, fruits and meats he eats? Does he, does he know? No, he sure doesn't know! The scientific research leaders burst into tears instantly.

What a waste! This is it!

We must know that in order to cultivate plants, the country invests billions in scientific research funds every year. When the anonymous plants were received, the entire research center was boiling, and the biological world was shocked. One plant and gracious to them.

And these precious plants are only used for... eating in Lemon Kitchen? Continuing to watch with a broken heart, all the scientific research leaders and researchers who were thoroughly seduced by the deliciousness of Lemon Chef's live broadcast room were indignant!

God, are these plants so delicious? In this way, when they study plants in the future, they can't help but want to eat what to do!

Later, the entire National Plant Cultivation Center held an emergency plenary meeting. After discussion, almost everyone agreed that Lemon Chef was the mysterious person who sent them plants. After all, plant cultivation is too difficult, and Lemon Kitchen can produce so many plants and various foods that only exist in textbooks at once, which is definitely not easy. It is hard for them to believe that there is no one in the world other than Lemon Chef who has this kind of ability.


After all, after they watched the replay and found that Lemon Kitchen had sent out many vegetables and delicacies, they were completely enlightened, don't feel distressed, isn't it just some plants, oh-oh-oh, I still feel distressed!

From then on, all the scientific research leaders have their eyes on Lemon Chef, and almost all of them acquiesce in their hearts that Lemon Chef is a mysterious person who may have magical powers. In order to keep an eye on Lemon Kitchen's dynamics and catch up with Lemon Kitchen's delivery of plants, they specially set up a super-luxury precision holographic projection facility in a special laboratory of the research center, and the cost is as high as 80 million star coins. Moreover, a special reminder for the Lemon Chef's live broadcast was designed in this room. There is a special person on duty here. As soon as the Lemon Chef starts the live broadcast, the scientific research leaders and personnel of the entire National Plant Cultivation Center will rush in with oil on their feet.

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