4: "Yes, that is us. One Erection."

Start from the beginning

I went over to my wardrobe to find my dress. It was easy to find because I only had a few and they weren't as beautiful as this one. It was strapless and came down to just above my knees. It was sapphire blue and had a little belt with jewels studded into it. With it was matching blue shoes and a blue flower hair clip. I slipped into the dress and it was a perfect fit. The shoes had a tiny heel, and I tried to get used to them quickly.

I sat down in front of my mirror and pulled the towel off my head. My hair was still slightly damp so I dried it quickly before getting out my curlers.It took me ages to do it but my hair was finally curly. It looked nice. It was nearly seven am. Wow, how the hell did I take that long to get changed?

I did have a snack break though...

I applied minimal makeup, checked for anything I was missing and finally slid the flower clip into my hair.

I was ready.

I couldn't hear any noises coming from my dad's room so I assumed he was downstairs. 

"Sienna, are you down here?" my dad called from the lounge.  

"Yeah! I'm just making breakfast!" I replied, pouring Cheerios into a bowl.


"Harry!" I called when I saw him. 

"Hey Sienna!" he replied.  

We were at the church. There were lots of family and friends here, including the four other members of One Direction, Lucy and Luke. Anne was going to arrive any minute now and I was literally buzzing with excitement. 

"Sienna, have you had any redbull lately? What have I told you?" asked Lucy, raising her eyebrows at me and smirking. 

"Redbull?" Niall questioned.

"It makes me go hyper." I told him. "The night we discovered that it did that, Lucy and I were at a sleepover together and we had about 10 cans of it between us. I don't think I slept for several days after that." I said laughing.

"Wow, we're literally twins," Niall exclaimed, holding his hand out for a high-five.

Luke came over and put his arm around my waist. I smiled at him and turned back to the boys.

"Guys, this is my boyfriend, Luke. Luke, this is my soon to be stepbrother, Harry, and his four best friends."

"Hey, aren't you in that band, uh, One Erection?" Luke asked, shaking the hands of the boys.

""Yes, that is us. One Erection." Louis sassed.

"Sienna, isn't that the band you're totally obsessed with and even-"

"Shhh!" I cried exasperatedly, clamping my hand over Luke's mouth, which he then licked.

"Gross. Now I have diseases."

"SHE'S HERE!" someone from the crowd yelled, and sure enough, there was a little black carriage being pulled by two white horses. The carriage had gold bits dotted all over it and it shone in the July sun. One of the horses snorted and shook its head when the man whipped it forward.

"What amazing creatures." I murmured quietly. I felt someone squeeze my hand. It was Lucy. I squeezed back and continued to watch in awe at the beautiful horse drawn carriage slowly approaching us. It stopped gently and Anne was helped out by Harry. Her white wedding dress was stunning. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. It shimmered and the veil that covered her face had little glittery bits in it. They walked to the door as all the guests filed into the church and stood in their places.

The traditional wedding march began playing on a church organ as Harry walked his mum down the aisle towards where my dad was. As they reached the front, Harry took his seat and we sat too. Niall was on one side of me and Lucy was on the other. The minister began talking.

"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Anne Cox and Jacob Austin Walker." said the minister.

He turned to Dad. "Do you, Jacob Walker, take Anne, to be your lawfully wedded wife. For better or for worse. In sickness and in health. For richer or for poorer. To love and cherish. For as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." responded my dad as he smiled at Anne.


He turned to my Mum. "Do you, Anne, take Jacob Walker, to be your lawfully wedded husband. For better or for worse. In sickness and in health. For richer or for poorer. To love and cherish. For as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." said my mum. Her eyes sparkled and I don't remember seeing her this happy in a long time.

The minister turned to the audience as they slipped the wedding rings onto each other's fingers.

"Is there anyone here who objects to this marriage? Speak now or forever hold your peace."

Silence. Thank god.

He turned back to the two people standing next to him.

"You may now kiss the bride."

One Direction's Little Sister [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now