Chapter 24 - I don't think I was home that night.

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"We are having Brandon's bachelor party this Saturday too

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"We are having Brandon's bachelor party this Saturday too."

"Oh, what did you guys planned?" I asked him.

"Brandon asked for a quiet night. We are going to a basketball game. Afterwards we go to a pub."


"Yeah, I think it is partly for me because I'm not that mobile."

"Or maybe he really wanted to have a quiet night. Not that a basketball game will be quiet." I told him with a smile.

"Have you seen many matches?" Lucas asked.

"Yes, every match that Thorn played in high school and those in college that were close by."

"So, you have seen me play too?" He asked.

"Yes, you were good, but Thorn was better." I smirked.


"You know that I'm right." I told him.

"Yeah, yeah. Thorn was better. If he hadn't had that shoulder injury, he would have gone pro after college." He told me.

"I know. He had a hard time accepting that." I said.

"I understand that, the idea that I never will be able to go hiking or rock climbing, surf, ski or mountain bike ...." He shook his head "I can't allow myself to think about it."

"It hurts too much."


"Maybe some things will be possible one day."

"I don't think so..." He shook his head again.

"Lucas, you need to believe. You can talk with Alex about it, see what he thinks is possible and what not. Set a goal and work towards that."


"Is Gail picking you up?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Yeah, she was going to do her grocery shopping and pick me up again."

I refused to let him pay the bill and I stayed with him till Gail arrived.


The rest of the week went by uneventful. I messaged Hugo a couple of times, but it stayed superficial. Most of my free time I spent with Lucas. I called Michael, but he hadn't found anything new yet.

Friday night Iris stayed over, and we ordered pizza and drank a bit too much wine. At midnight we woke up again after we fell asleep on the couch. Iris had set her alarm in case we fell asleep.

"Happy birthday Rose."

"Thank you, Iris." I groaned and she giggled.

She handed me an envelope "what is this?" I asked her.

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