R.sinestro: Not so super, was he?

Then someone taps on Regime Sinestro's shoulder. Sinestro knew he's still
alive and decides to punch him but the moment he turns around to attack the Man of Steel, Superman manages to grab his hand. He twists Sinestro's hand, making sure he can't move so he can remove his ring from his hand. Upon removing it, Superman let go of him as he leaves the powerless Sinestro and he turns towards Yellow Lantern.

Superman: Here's your chance to do what's right. I would take it.

Yellow Lantern thinks for a moment and ultimately he decides to give up his
power by taking of his ring, reverting back to his civilian outfit and surrendering it to Superman. A cutaway scene shows Insurgent Lex' soldiers are
running away from a tidal wave in Metropolis, even though Metropolis is not flooded. It turns out that behind the tidal waves are Aquaman and his Atlantian army who are marching forward. Just then Superman arrives to freeze the tidal wave as Aquaman is shock to see him. After freezing it completely, Superman tosses the icy tidal wave far away and then lands in front of Aquaman and his army.

R.aquaman: Are you ready, Superman? To take on the might of Atlantis?!

Superman: Yes. We are.

On cue, the Amazonian warriors came out from the top of the building with their flaming arrows aiming at the Atlantian army who was led by Wonder Woman. She gives the signal as the Amazonian attack them. The Atlantian army shield themselves while Regime Aquaman uses his trident blocking the arrows. With another battle cry by
Wonder Woman, the Amazonian warriors came and fight the Atlantian army. This causes Aquaman to attack Superman as they engage in a fight.

R.aquaman: You're not wanted here!

Superman and Regime Aquaman square off as they take it up on the rooftop.
Regime Aquaman may heed Regime Superman's Regime but he does not want to lose to the prime Superman despite the outcome. Par to par both refuse to give up due to their own ideals. However the moment both were worn out, Aquaman ask why of all the people he has to stop him after what his Superman did on Atlantis many years ago. Superman wishes to stop them from hurting anymore innocent
people. He laughs as both decides to gives each other the final blow. Once they clash, Aquaman drops down unconscious.

Superman: I may not be wanted, but I'm clearly needed.

Superman then flies above towards Wonder Woman while seeing the Atlantian army retreating while being chased by the Amazonian.

Wonder Woman: Superman! We've broken their ranks. They're retreating!

Superman: Good. Once they're pushed back, we'll need help with rescue and

Wonder Woman: I'll break off the legion as quickly as possible.

Superman: Thanks, Diana. You always make it look easy.

Wonder Woman: Let's get through this first. Then tell me how easy it looked.

With Y/n and Doomsday, he was hit by a truck that was toss at him, catching him off guard. This causes Y/n
to crash at the opposite side of the building while the truck lands on top of him. The culprit who tosses the truck at Y/n lands near the crash. He pulls the truck away and grabs the dazed Y/n ready to kill him but Y/n manages to regain conscious and shoots
him with his gravity beams. Then both square off and after a couple of rounds,
Y/n decides to move them to a different location. Y/n dodges a punch from
Doomsday and carries him into the sky while Doomsday tries to beat him up. In
the end, Y/n sends both of them into the Fortress of Solitude while crashing inside the building. Soon, both stands back on their feet squaring off
at each other again.

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