Chapter 21 - go away!

Start from the beginning


"But we need to know what happened after that." Thorn said.

"I'm on it, Thursday I will have my license, then I can go deeper. I also went through her profile and that of her friends. I found pictures of her friends that night at nightclub Gigged. So, assuming that she was driving towards their or Lucas his house she would take this road." He showed us two maps, one from the restaurant to the club and one from the restaurant to Lucas his apartment.

"The car accident was here." He made a cross on both maps.

"Away from Lucas place." Thorn said.

"Indeed, but neither the quickest route nor the most logical route to 'Gigged'."

"Why would she do that?" Thorn asked.

"Lucas said that she drank a whole bottle of wine at the restaurant, maybe she wanted to take a calmer route." I suggested.

Suddenly the alarm went off, an intervention was needed, my brother jumped up and ran off. "Don't you need to go?" I asked Michael.

"No, not working today. Do you still have time to stay?"

I glanced at my phone "yeah, I can stay for a while. What do you want to do?"

"I want to make a timeline."

I nodded "good idea" I pulled out my notebook.

When we were finished with putting down the information on the timeline, I was startled by the time that had past "I need to go Michael." I ripped the sheet with the timeline out and wrote my phone number on it before I handed it to him. "Call me if you find something else, or if you want help. I'm sorry, I really need to go back to work."

"That's fine. I let you know if I find something else."

"Thank you very much Michael."

After work I finally had the time to go see Lucas. I hadn't heard from him since I left Saturday.

Gail opened the door and let me in "come in Rose, I am glad to see you! He has been in a mood since Saturday."

"Is he in so much pain?" I asked worried, stepping into the hallway.

"Nope, we think it's because you haven't visited since Saturday. Not that he would admit that." She smiled.

"Yeah sorry, I was out yesterday with my sister. It's been pretty busy at work." I told her while she motioned me to follow her to the kitchen.

"Don't Rose, you don't owe him anything. He could have called you if he wanted. What did you do this time with your sister?" she asked with a smile.

"We went to a cooking class."

"Oh nice, what did you make?"

"Donuts and brownies. It was fun." I took a seat.

"You need to teach me someday to make those donuts. Ivy adores donuts."

"I will, maybe she can help us." I proposed.

"She would love that. Coffee?" Gail asked.

"No thank you, a glass of water is fine."

"I heard that your sister is dating Brandon's brother Dean?"

"She is, but it's recent. I do believe he is the one for her."

"You do?" she asked surprised, handing me a glass of water.

I nodded "they look at each other like my parents look at each other."

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