Chapter 11: iwantodoitduringsex

Start from the beginning

"Would I have approached you about it if I hadn't done my homework?"

Rudolph gives him a puzzled look. Sarcasm, despite Rudolph's ability to use it, almost always goes over his head.

"It means yes. Yes, I did my research." Tony pauses, pulls his phone from his pocket, and brings up said research, "I talked to your father, and let me tell you, that was one hell of a conversation. But back in the day, vampires who fed on human blood would feed about once a week. Given the difference in the situation and estimated quantity of actual blood being drank and not lost to the floor, we could do about the same-"

Rudolph's hand on his shoulder shakes Tony from his research mantra.

"Tony, when I said research I meant for you, not me. I want to make sure you will be fine if this is something you seriously want to take on. Dark Star knows why you want to." Rudolph's eyes are burning more than usual as he looks at Tony, hungry.

Tony's answer has never changed since he brought this up the first time.

"I want this," Tony says with resolve, pausing his steps to cut Rudolph off and face him fully, "I want us to have this together."

Rudolph's eyes soften and he sighs, giving in. Tony knows that look, the 'silly mortal, you don't know what you're getting into' look.

"Fine. Say we do this. When? Should we put it on the calendar for every Tuesday at high noon?" Rudolph's comment is playful, but loaded; Tony has thought about this too.

Tony's face turns red and Rudolph's interest is instantly piqued.

"Tony," Rudolph takes a step closer, getting well into Tony's personal space, "What are you planning?"

Tony swallows thickly and sees Rudolph's eyes flicker to his neck before returning to meet his own, "Tony..."

"Ok, ok. So I was thinking. Oh God, this is embarrassing." He covers his face with his hands before continuing, "Iwannadoitduringsex."

Rudolph hears only one word from Tony's mumble, but it is the only word he needs to understand the meaning. He grips Tony by the arms and lifts them, Tony's hands jolting out to grasp any part in reach. They clear the trees and stop, floating gently and pressed together tightly.

"Why is the idea shameful?"

Tony can't meet Rudolph's eyes.

"It's not exactly normal for us mortals to, um, like that," Tony said.

"What about us is normal, Tony?" Rudolph quips, a smile that is all fangs.

The smile is infectious.

"Fine. I guess you're right.'re not opposed?"

Rudolph growls lowly and pulls Tony flush, lips and teeth clacking before the kiss settles, deep and longing.

"Oh, I'll show you my opposition," Rudolph's eyes flash with mischief and before Tony can think of a proper comeback they are heading in the direction of home.

It takes longer than usual to get there. Pausing along the way many times, for various reasons. Most of them are sexy ones. By the time Tony registers that they are home he is half-hard and biting bruising marks into Rudolph's shoulder as they finally hit ground.

It must have been vampiric speed, because Tony's face is on the soft rug with Rudolph straddling his thighs above him, trying his best to look menacing. Tony finds it endearing.

"In your dreams, vampire." It's meant to be light, teasing, but it comes out as a challenge, and Rudolph never backs down from a challenge Tony sets for him. Tony groans as Rudolph clasps both of his hands behind him and presses a knee into Tony's lower back. It hurts, and Tony thrilles in the sensation; delicate threads of fear running through the anxiety and playful energy. Tony knows Rudolph can read his reactions, why hide them?

(The little Vampire) Tony X Rudolph 'Slice Of Life'Where stories live. Discover now