Chapter 8: it's called a coffin, Tony

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Tony visits Rudolph over the summer. Typical relationship nonsense.

Tony sits among the dusty books that line the library's shelves at the one, tiny, ancient computer. This is a recurring situation for him the past month; walking down a wild pathway to the closest town every afternoon after breakfast and setting up shop in the small library. He checks out the oldest books he can find, sends an email to his parents, and catches up on shows, news, and anything internet or real-world related. This is his 'Tony Time,' when the vampires sleep and his stomach starts to growl too loud to ignore.

He sighs as his stomach rumbles on cue, giving it a quick push with his hand to silence the beast for another minute, just enough time to finish his email.

Hey mom and dad!

Thanks again for letting me stay with Ruldoph and his family for two months! It's been the best senior gift I could have gotten. Did I mention I have the greatest parents?! I've been learning so much more about vampires and their culture, so many similarities to us but also so different!

Some truths I now know about vampires: sexuality and gender identity mean very little to them, they lure their victims with charm and charisma, garlic is a thing and no one knows why, yes, the flying is real whether shifted or not, the sun will kill, human blood brings them to life while animal blood lets them simply live, and they have their own vast cultural identity.

Pretty sweet, huh? I think I'm going to do my college entrance paper on vampires and cryptozoology, do you think it's abstract enough to get me into Harvard? Haha, I don't even think they have a zoology program at Harvard, I may have to look into it...anyway! Love you both so much, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Love, always,


With a content sigh, he works his way back up the winding stairs to the main area of the library, walking past the front desk as he makes a dash back to his home away from home.

"Goodbye and thank you, Gretchen! See you next Tuesday!" Tony says with a friendly wave and smile.

Gretchen says goodbye in her usual way, holding up a crucifix and white-knuckling the cross around her neck. People can be weird.

Tony continues to jog the distance home, another beautiful setting in this special, quiet place. Away from the stress of applying for college, work, social life, and so many other things. And by the time his feet cross the final tree line he is panting and sweating, body aching the way it had done after an intense away game playing offense. Maybe one day he would teach Rudolph soccer, one day when they have unlimited time, not borrowed weeks.

By the time he eats, cleans up the place, showers, and starts his reading it's just about sunset, about halfway through his day. Tony closes the book and drops it on the table as he wanders stone steps leading to their shared room. The heavy door whispers against the carpet as Tony takes tiny steps, walking lightly and trying not to wake the morning monster; his boyfriend.

Tony makes it to the coffin, a term used loosely if you ask him, where Ruldoph is still sleeping soundly on his back, bundled in blankets in one of Tony's worn t-shirts. Tony looks on with fondness, a common sight for him these days, but the joy and elation never seems to stop the butterflies in his chest. He toes his shoes off and slides into his side of the sleeping space, wedging himself right up against vampirically cold skin. A grateful groan is what he gets for sharing his heat, followed by the cracking of vermilion eyes, almost black with sleep.

"Well good morning, sleepyhead."


Tony is slow-moving and quiet as he chuckles and finds one of Ruldoph's hands and holds it in his own, rubbing small circles. Tony smiles when Ruldoph only gets closer. After a few more moments of comfortable silence and some stretching, Ruldoph responds, voice rough and deep with sleep.

"Good morning, mortal. Did you enjoy your sunshine and athletics?" Tony could almost see the sarcasm in the line of the vampire's shoulders, and he responds in the only way appropriate after dealing with that level of sarcasm for five years.

"I see someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed ."

Ruldoph sits up sharply and Tony simply smiles brightly at him, arms behind his head. The picture of innocence.

"Tony, darling, my moon and my stars. You know I love you dearly, but if you ever call the coffin a bed again I will have to take drastic measures."

"Psh," Tony starts, sticking his tongue out playfully, "Sure, drastic measures. What ammo could you possibly have? You've been on cloud nine this whole month, just like I have."

Before Tony can react, Rudolph is in his space, slotting a leg between Tony's and laying on his chest, a sly grin on his handsome face.

"Oh, Tony, I'll show you the meaning of drastic."

Ruldoph leans down and kisses him gently, fangs just snagging on soft flesh and leaving no trace behind. Tony, finally out of the headlights, kisses him back, lifting the knee between Ruldoph's legs and swallowing the deep sound that follows. Tony knows he lost, the kiss getting deeper, more pinpricks of fangs and jagged breaths. Rudolph pulls back, tracing the stubble on Tony's jaw to his neck until he finds soft skin.

"If you," Rudolph drawls, placing soft, lingering kisses down Tony's neck and exposed collar, " Must know, my darling."

Tony sings with pleasure as Ruldoph sinks his teeth into the juncture of Tony's neck and shoulder, not breaking the skin, but emphasizing his point, "This, right here, is what I'll be withholding."

"Fuck." Tony strains, looking for contact and friction as Ruldoph floats from the bed and out of reach.

"Fine, fine," Tony amends, sounding insincere, "I won't call it a bed anymore."

Rudolph touches down to the carpet and looks over his shoulder to Tony, suspicious.

"Thank you, Tony. I'm glad you finally let this go for..." Tony cuts him off.

"I'll call it a boffin!" Tony's laugh reverberates in the small room, and Ruldoph can't stay aggravated. He laughs along with a dramatic eye roll.

His moon and stars.

(The little Vampire) Tony X Rudolph 'Slice Of Life'Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora