Chapter 12: Local Married Couple Engages in BDSM 🔇

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BDSM, scenes, and bloodletting oh my. Also feels and other things.

Thinking about the conversation and actually starting the conversation are two entirely different things. Tony approached many different conversations with Rudolph before this thought even tickled at Tony's subconscious. They'd had the whole feeding conversation years ago; the one that Tony agonized about for months beforehand that ended up working out fine despite Tony's initial worry. So why is this conversation so different?

Tony eyes Rudolph on the couch next to him.

Rudolph insists that they watch movies or shows together at least once a week in order for him to 'catch up' on modern media and better understand Tony's humor. It... sort of works actually. They are currently working their way through some classic horror flics, right now it's Gary Oldman's Dracula , not exactly modern, but new-adjacent. Rudolph is content to make snarky comments about it between exaggerative eye rolls and quiet monologuing.

Now or never.

"Rudd," Tony's voice is quiet in the flickering television light, and far more thick with emotion and nerves than he wishes it was. He clears his throat and tries again.

"I-I need to ask you something. For something."

Rudolph's eyes flick between brown and red in the dim light as he turns to face Tony, expression neutral and soft.

"What is it, darling?"

It gives Tony the strength to push on.

"I've, um, I've sort of talked about this before. Do you remember me talking about roleplay?"

Rudolph looks thoughtful for a moment then turns to face Tony fully.

"Is it the game you've spoken about at length? Dragons and Dice, was it?"

Tony guffaws, it's a short bark of laughter that has him covering his mouth before chuckling a response. "You mean 'Dungeons and Dragons' Rudd, and that's not exactly what I had in mind, but A for effort."

"What is it you're asking of me then, Tony?"

Right, directly back to the conversation, then. Tony thought he may have to try again another day, flagging, but at least the laughter broke up the anxiety cobwebs clogging up his brain.

"I mean roleplay in the bedroom, Rudd. Where we each have a character we play, in a sense. So not unlike D&D, I suppose."

"Yes, you have mentioned this before. I thought we've tried this, am I remembering wrong?"

"No, no. You're right we have tried this before. But it was a lot less intense than what I want to ask for this time."

Rudolph visibly perks up, always oddly invested in anything new Tony asks of him related to sex. But he doesn't say anything, just waits for Tony to continue, looking painfully earnest and attentive.

So Tony tells him. Everything.

How Tony wants Rudolph to play the 'monster' for once. To drop the tender and soft care that he usually uses with Tony. How he wants it to be a surprise, for Rudolph to drink from him until Tony is worried . Something he never is with Rudolph anymore.

At first, Rudolph looks dubious, asking Tony if he's sure, what else he needs, what else they can do instead. But after about an hour of paused movie conversation, Rudolph finally nods.

"Alright, Tony. Any time particularly special, or completely at my mercy?"

Tony thinks that his grin may be turning to the 'shit-eating' variety, but he can't help it.

(The little Vampire) Tony X Rudolph 'Slice Of Life'Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon