Chapter 10: A weekend in san diego 🔇🐤

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Tony’s plan for their first time goes exactly as planned. Unplanned.

Clever Plan

"You're seriously telling me I haven't made you watch 'Were the World Mine'? It's a retelling of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' but everyone is queer. It's amazing!" Tony blurts, all excited energy and shifting hands as he turns the car's steering wheel. It's endearing.

"No, darling; as I've said before, I've never seen any modern iterations of Shakespeare, despite what your memory tells you." It comes out 'spicier' than intended, but Rudolph can't seem to care as he watches blue eyes crinkle at the edges with laughter.

They continued to laugh until heavy breaths taper off and the car falls silent for a moment, not tense; inquisitive.

"So, I hope it wasn't too presumptuous of me, but I got us tickets to see Shakespeare in the park-" Rudolph cuts Tony off in excitement.

"Oh! Is it a movie on a large television screen?!" He realizes he's over excited for something so simple, but secretly, Shakespeare has been one of his favorites for decades.

Tony simply chuckles at him, a warm smile decorating his face, "No, it's actors putting on a play. It's at a place called The Old Globe in Balboa Park. I did a lot of research for this." Rudolph believes him, Tony is always thoughtful with his actions and decisions, despite some of them still being, at times, juvenile.

"I'm so excited for this, Tony. It's going to be so cool ." Rudolph gives Tony a thumbs up, checking for word use. When Tony gives him a thumbs up back, he knows he got it.

They drive a little longer, discussing movies Tony's forced him to watch over the years. The good: Jurassic Park, Zootopia, and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. And the not good: Twilight- okay, it wasn't all bad, the running commentary between them made it wonderful. They arrive at a large parking lot, it has a few cars and almost no people.

"Just you wait, you're going to love this." Tony whispers, giving Rudolph a kiss before exiting the vehicle.

"You seem very convinced I'll love everything today." Rudolph quips, waving a hand in front of him in emphasis. Tony simply shrugs at him, winking playfully.

"Maybe I'm just confident because I know you so well."

It's such a small thing, knowing someone, but Rudolph has never had someone who actually knows him like Tony does, not even family. This thing they share is beyond a relationship, it's a symphony.

"I don't doubt you, darling."

They make their way to the theater and Rudolph's eyes light up when he sees the large number of people all walking around in Victorian clothing. Not as accurate, but Rudolph still feels his heart beat for a moment in excitement. He remembers this so vividly, yet it seems like a lifetime away.

"Tony, this is amazing! I didn't realize it was all in costume! I would have dressed more appropriately." He's joking of course, all of his formal clothing was purposefully left in his coffin back home, hoping to never see it again.

"I'm glad you like it! Now let's go, we have a show to catch!"

And what a show it was. Before it started, they sat in the outdoor bleachers and chatted about Shakespeare; his works and his accomplishments. And more than once, Rudolph found himself looking at the costumes of various actors and civilians that walked by. But the most memorable part had to be the laughter. 'Much Ado About Nothing' is, in his respectable opinion, one of the funniest stories. They are both in stitches as the actors and actresses retell the drama of the story. Rudolph hasn't felt this at home in a long time.

(The little Vampire) Tony X Rudolph 'Slice Of Life'Where stories live. Discover now