Chapter 9: Sam, Jerm, Rude, Ony: Or, Bowling 💦

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The boys go bowling with friends and some random collage at the end. Enjoy.

"In all seriousness, Tony. I'm extremely nervous. I haven't met another mortal but you and your family in decades. I'm not exactly a people person unless it has to do with eating them, as you know."

Tony laughs and pats Rudolph's thigh with his unoccupied hand, the other on the steering wheel. Quiet jazz rumbles in the background, only about fifteen minutes from their destination. The closer they get to the bowling alley, the more restless Rudolph is becoming.

"Rudd, relax. I promise that my friends already know so much about you that they may as well know you're an actual vampire," Tony tapers off as the hand in his squeezes harder than intended, he winces, "I promise they are going to love you. You make me happy, that's all they care about." Tony pauses in thought.

"But as an afterthought," Tony shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe don't bite anyone. Including me. Unless it's in a sexy way." Tony waggles his eyebrows, resulting in a scoff from the vampire beside him and a gentle punch to the arm.

"I'm more worried about being around strange mortals, and many of them. I don't exactly blend in." Rudolph quips, gesturing to himself.

And, fair, Tony can agree on that.

Rudolph may not look his actual age, a number that Tony can't bother to fathom, but he looks older. A lot older. He's taller than Tony by more than a few inches and where Tony is bulky in the shoulders, Rudolph is long and lean. Where Tony has light hair and light eyes, Rudolph has dark hair and dark red eyes, almost mistaken as brown if you don't look close enough. They make quite the contrasting pair, Tony thinks.

"Even if you don't blend in perfectly I promise it's fine. It's pretty normal to be not normal. Now, time to get your shit together, we're about to pull in."

Rudolph takes a few breaths, shakier than Tony's seen him.

"What was that about vampires not feeling fear again?" Tony goads, folding his arms after they park in the lot, turning to look at Rudolph fully, "Is my big bad vampire going to let a little bowling and a few dirty mortals scare him off?"

Rudolph is in his space before Tony can blink, lips cold, harsh, and intimate in the stillness of the car. Fangs tugging at his bottom lip and Tony groans, nonononono not now.

"These fangs aren't just for show, mortal," Rudolph teases, a hand coming up to Tony's hair and tugging, a warning. "Don't make me use them."

They are immersed in the moment for a while longer, kissing and finding calmness in closeness, and suddenly Rudolph stills.

"My fangs, Tony!"

Tony blinks, looks at Rudolph with glazed eyes, "Huh?"

Rudolph rolls his back and sits up, shaking Tony by his arms.

"My. Fangs." Rudolph says sternly, like talking to a child. "Someone is going to notice!"

"Vampire teeth are a thing people pay for, Rudd. Don't worry. Sam's going to think it's awesome. "

By the time Tony has assuaged most of Rudolph's fears, they are ten minutes late, not a bad thing. His friends are amazing snowflakes who never get anywhere on time. They walk into the building and Tony has to grip Rudolph's hand as he attempts to walk right back out.

(The little Vampire) Tony X Rudolph 'Slice Of Life'Where stories live. Discover now