Chapter 6: Small random pieces

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Little snippets of growing up together and new experiences.

Like an Addams

"How does it go again?" Rudolph quips, goading, a hand out to Tony as music starts to play in the background, "The dialogue from the movie?"

Tony chuckles, and the sound is warm and quiet as it rings in Rudolph's mind. Then Tony is close, a hand draping over each shoulder, their noses touching and his breath is warm between them.

"How long has it been since we danced?" Tony's voice is barely a whisper past his smile.

"Oh, Tony," Rudolph lowers Tony into a dip before leaning over him and breathing the word into Tony's neck, "Minutes."

They feel each other's smiles blooming and Rudolph rights them both, putting his hand in Tony's, waiting. Tony leads, dancing them through damp summer grass and between gravestones as the tinny music comes through Tony's phone. They dance through the whole song coming from Tony's pocket and well into the silence of night. Soon they're standing twined together and still, embraced in a way they rarely have the luxury to. Rudolph doesn't remember the day dancing became 'a thing,' according to Tony, but he knows it will always be their thing.

Cold Hands

Rudolph feels full days like mere seconds, but sometimes months can feel like an eternity. He's tried to be extraordinarily patient, letting Tony set their pace intimately for obvious reasons, much to Tony's chagrin. 'Can't waltz without someone else,' Tony had said. Nonchalant and all eager Blue eyes and smiles like sunshine. But Rudolph persisted, to keep things moving slow- glacially slow. And if Rudolph could die, he'd be dying of frustration.

And that's how they found themselves in this situation.

Cold hands.

"Oh! That's different." Tony shivers as Rudolph's hands trail the soft, warm skin at the hem of a bright orange sweater and dark jeans. It's quiet and they're alone, Tony's skin prickling when the night air whispers by it. But the wind is nothing compared to Rudolph's cool hands exposed to the elements. Hands currently on Tony's skin.

Rudolph trails his hands back up Tony's sides and around his back, reveling in the gooseflesh that follows the light touch, before tugging at the shirt, a question and a way out.

Rudolph never claimed to be a saint. He's trying his best.

Tony vibrates with want, and Rudolph catches his eyes, knowing his own are burning. Tony looks exactly like he's pictured for months. Or has it been years? Tony's suntouched hair is a shaggy mess as he's pressed back into the grass, Rudolph leaning over and placing another gentle set of kisses along Tony's neck before tugging at the shirt again, previous request all but forgotten.

Tony growls, a raw sound Rudolph's never heard from him before, and knocks Rudolph's hands out of the way to sit up and rip his own shirt off over his head. Tony is in Rudolph's lap within a heartbeat, teeth clicking with fangs that are a little too long.

"Stop treating me like I'm going to run or break."

"I'd n-" Rudolph is cut off with Tony's lips stealing another kiss.

Rudolph's hands grip Tony's biceps, Tony gasping and pulling back at the cold grip. Rudolph just tightens his grip. But Tony is truly no longer a child in any sense, Rudolph has to use vampiric means to beat Tony in anything physical nowadays. Taking part in sports teams keeps Tony moving, and whenever they're together, Tony is keeping up with vampires.

Tony's hands wrap tight in Rudolph's shirt and pull, lips biting past fangs to cool lips and tongue.

"You've made me wait-" Tony starts, hands tracing any skin he can find, " So long for this. I thought you changed your mind and didn't want to." Rudolph snorts out a chuckle, it's absurd to think that he could ever not want Tony. He tells him so.

"We can talk more later. Right now? I have skin to explore, lay back."

Rudolph does.

He'll never keep Tony waiting again.

(The little Vampire) Tony X Rudolph 'Slice Of Life'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora