Chapter 5: Sophomore Year, Awkward times indeed 🐣

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-Being 17 is difficult. Especially when you have great parents and a vampire BF.

"Tony, it's your birthday, at least try and have a little fun!" His dad motions to the zoo behind them.

"I know dad, I know. I will. But our ideas of fun have become polar opposites. Polar bear pun fully intended." Tony nudges his dad in the ribs, leading them both into the zoo at equal strides.

They know their route that they take every time they come here: reptiles first, and nocturnal animals last, showstoppers like lions and bears squeezed in the middle because they are always too crowded. So first stop is the reptiles, Tony hopes he'll be able to hold one of their larger lizards this time. He'll pull the birthday card if he has to.

"So, Tony. 16th Birthday. Sweet 16. Rated R movies allowed without me or your mother. And many more things-" His dad trails off, looking at Tony with a side glance like he's gearing up to say something important among the monitor lizards and millipedes.

"Okay-" Tony starts, holding out the 'y' as long as his breath can take him before continuing, "So is this going to be a TonyPop talk? Because we're in a public place, and we don't want people to see you cry."

His dad laughs and crouches down next to Tony who is now inspecting spiders on the bottom level of tanks.

"We were just thinking, your mother and I, about your relationship with Rudolph. For guys who live on different continents, you seem to be really close. Unusual for your age. You talk every day and send a lot of mail and get a lot of it. Talk all the time. Call a lot..."

Tony feels his chest clench with anxiety and scratches the back of his neck: nervous habits never quite die off.

"What're you getting at, dad? We're friends." Tony's excuse sounds weak, even to himself.

"That may be so," His dad says simply, "But, man to man, I think there is something more going on there." His dad's smile is open and genuine, and Tony feels tears burn the corners of his eyes.

"Nothing to be ashamed of, we all fall in love eventually. Mortal, or European. We just want to make sure you know that we're always in your corner. We love you, Tony, and just want you to be happy."

Tony laughs through happy-tears, "Thanks, dad."

A moment of silence passes before his dad speaks up again, a little less emotional and a little more teasing.

"Don't think you're getting away without the sex talk as well. Living or dead, diseases are a thing."


Love in All it's Forms

"I'm so excited to visit in two weeks! I can't believe it's been almost six months since I've seen you!" Tony's words are jumbled between pizza and water, trying to get his fill of junk food before he goes on a clean diet for a month while visiting Rudolph. Fast food basically nonexistent where he'll be staying.

" Speaking of your visit, my father said we need to have a conversation about the trip."

"Oh boy, if your dad wants us to talk it can't be about something good, lay it on me."

" What am I laying, exactly?"

"Right now, an egg." Tony deadpans. "Never mind, just tell me what we need to talk about." Tony is jittery, concerned he'd done something wrong.

(The little Vampire) Tony X Rudolph 'Slice Of Life'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora