Chapter 11: iwantodoitduringsex

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Blood, feelings, and biting oh my!

"I thought I'd find you here," Tony says quietly as he weaves around gravestones, giving some a gentle pat and eyes fixed on Rudolph perched on the top of a mausoleum.

"Yes well, it's one of the only places I can find some peace and quiet in suburbia."

Tony knows this isn't true, Rudolph makes frequent mention, dramatically, that their home together is the one place he can simply be and not have to worry about other people or distractions, aside from Tony.

"You know, for someone who can tell if others are lying, you're terrible at lying yourself." Tony chuckles when he sees the affronted look on Rudolph's face as he sits up from the roof sharply.

"You think you know everything there is to know about me, mortal . But there are many things you do not know."

Tony rolls his eyes and gives the walls of the mausoleum a cursory glance before finding handholds and climbing up with ease after years of keeping up with a vampire. Didn't stop him from making dad-noises as he climbs and gets to the top.

"I think I know enough, Rudd. You don't come here unless you're thinking about something big. What's up?"

Rudolph scoffs and flippantly drifts back down to the roof, folding his arms dramatically. Tony smiles to himself, some things never change.

"If you must know, I've been thinking about your....proposal."

Tony perks up at the mention, sitting up on the roof and scooting closer to Rudolph.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Tony says quietly, eyes roaming the endless graves and foliage nonchalantly, trying not to seem overeager, searching in the early morning light for nothing particular. Rudolph's eyes follow Tony's and then roll in exasperation, humoring the deflection.

"Do you really think someone is roaming the graves at this hour of the morning? I'm even surprised you are up, despite your altered rest schedule."

"The coffin's not the same without you in it, Rudd."

Rudolph smiles warmly, the first genuine smile since Tony arrived. It gives Tony hope for the conversation.

"Listen, not everyone has super hearing, I need to see for myself to know that it's empty. Also, I don't know how comfortable I am having this discussion with all these people around... feels kinda rude, ya know?"

Rudolph does laugh this time, floating up off the roof and coming around to hover in front of Tony, a hand on either side of Tony's legs.

"Trust me, Tony. These graves have heard much worse. Talking about blood and biting is probably tame in comparison."

Tony leans forward into Rudolph's space and presses a chaste kiss to his lips, pulling back a moment after to watch Rudolph's eyes open, redder than they were a moment ago.

"Are we going to talk or sit here until the sun fully rises?"

Rudolph extends a hand to Tony, he takes it.

Feet planted firmly on the ground, they start to walk well-known paths. They wind around the cemetery, staying in shady areas; it's routine, their talking route. A place where Rudolph would be comfortable with feelings, and if not, find a place to get away until he was.

Rudolph clears his throat.

"As I mentioned, I've thought about your proposal. I assume you have done your research so one of us doesn't end up maimed or dead?"

(The little Vampire) Tony X Rudolph 'Slice Of Life'Where stories live. Discover now