He knows

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I woke up to knocking on my door, I stumble out of bed and make my way over to the door still not fully sure what is happening. I open the door slowly to which I am greeted by an all too familiar figure.
"Hello Chérie."
"What time is it?"
"Late enough. We need to start practicing for live aid soon."
"Right.. so what time is it?"
"Time you got a watch." David laughed at himself, I just rolled my eyes annoyed and walked into my room to go find the closest clock to see it was 7am.
"David it's 7am."
"I'm aware Chérie."
"Why so early?"
"Well we have limited time, we have to practice and perfect 4 songs in a week, that's a short amount of time."
"I'll be in my room just knock on the door when you're ready. Okay?"
"Okay." David smiled and walked out closing the door behind him.

I grabbed some simple clothes and brushed through my hair. Once I was finished getting ready I inspected myself and my outfit one last time making sure it looked good as this would be the first time meeting the rest of the band and I wouldn't want to look bad on my first impression. I then grabbed what I needed and made my way to David's room, as I was walking down the corridor to his room I felt eyes on me but I couldn't tell where they were coming from. I looked around and behind me I swear I saw something in the shadows which quickly disappeared when I blinked... weird. maybe I'm just imagining it since I'm still half asleep. I continue walking to David's room and still feeling uneasy. I knock 3 times on his door, I feel something getting closer I turn to see what it was and just as I turn David opens the door.
"You ready Chérie?"
"Oh yes."
"You alright?" David asked while looking to see what I was still looking at looking quite confused.
"Oh yes I just thought I saw something."
"Right.. well let's get going then." David smiled while walking away. I followed after him making our way to his car and getting in. He started driving to the studio and I couldn't help but think back to what happened in the hallway, then I was reminded of what had happened yesterday in the lightning. I felt shivers down my spine, I felt as if David could tell I was nervous as he quickly seemed to ask.
"are you okay Y/N?"
"Oh yes of course."
"Really you've been really off recently."
"Oh I'm just nervous you know."
"Nervous about what?"
"Performing at Live Aid what if I mess up."
"I can promise you, you won't you'll be amazing... but I know that's not what's worrying you."
"A few nights ago you went into your hotel room normally and came back to mine and you seemed nervous almost scared I tried to brush it off but yesterday you seemed the same even more startled it seems and now today you're the same."
"oh it's nothing."
"Chérie don't lie to me."
"I'm not"
"Y/N. I'm being serious it's killing me watching you be this anxious"
"David it's nothing.. it's just."
"Just what?"
"Fine... My mother well if I can even call her that left a note in my hotel room the night I came back to yours nervous and ever since I swear I have been seeing her but I think it's just my mind messing with me after the note but I still don't know how she knew where I was staying..."
"Oh right you don't know about my mother..."
"Yes I don't" David looked at me with concern.
"Well she was abusive to me and my father. eventually when I was younger my father escaped from her but not before she could give threats about her going to kill me and him when she finds us."
"Oh my Y/N... I'm so sorry but why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Well I didn't want you to worry about me."
"worry about you? a woman might be out to kill you and you're more worried about me caring for you?"
"Well it's not like she will 100% try to kill me...maybe"
"Y/N you're staying in my room until I can get our hotels changed."
"What no David you don't have to.."
"No I insist. That hotel felt weird anyways plus I could do with the company it can get lonely sometimes."
"Thank you.."
"Thank you David, For caring."
"Always Chérie" With that David parked up and looked at me.
"Nothing Chérie just can't wait for the nights we will spend together."
"Oh shut up, you're such a flirt."
"It's my charm Chérie." I rolled my eyes and got out he always loves to flirt with everyone I'm almost sure if there's someone for him to flirt with no matter who it is he will flirt with them.
David caught up with me and we walked into the studio and met up with the rest of the band.
"Hello everyone, This is Y/N our last member she is our 2nd vocalist." David said introducing me to them all, I smiled and gave them all a wave.
"Is she by any chance Chérie?"  Armstrong said to which David shot a look at, almost telling him to shut the fuck up. I looked at David and raised my brows trying to keep in my smile.
"I was thinking we could start with heroes and then go onto modern love for today." David said completely ignoring what Armstrong said to my disappointment, The others seemed to give a small smirk to each other trying to hold their laughs. I don't know why but it made me quite shocked to know he had talked to them all about me before I had even met them. I was also shocked at how he just completely ignored the question.


We had been rehearsing the whole day and I was exhausted, everyone was.
"Okay that will do for today we will carry this on tomorrow you all go rest for the night." David said out of breath.
The rest of the bad said their goodbyes and made their way home.
"You did amazing today Chérie."
"Why thank you, so did you blackstar."
"Is that a new nickname?"
"Maybe." I said with a grin.
"I like it." David replied walking over to me, "We should start heading back to the hotel it's getting late."
"Could not agree more" I replied.
"Lead the way then Chérie."

We walked over to the car and got in and started the drive home. It was quite peaceful as it was near sunset and me and David were both exhausted so we were mainly quiet for the whole car ride back to the hotel. Once we had made it to the hotel we got to outside of David's room.
"Oh I need to go grab some clothes real quick."
"Do you want me to come?" David asked
"No I should be fine I'll be quick."
"Okay Cherie be safe."
"don't worry Blackstar I'll be very safe." David smiled as I started walking towards my hotel room.
I opened the door to my room and closed it behind me then turned the lights on.

"Hello Y/N"


omg I wonder who that is.. I mean it's pretty obvious but just act shocked when I reveal who it is, for my sake please.
Thank you for all the support recently I love you all!!
Don't forget to follow my edit account on tiktok editsbys0phli!!
Also I now am off for 2 weeks from school so I will be updating abit more. I have a lot planned and I can't wait. Although I have mocks soon. which is annoying..... gonna cry.

Anyways hope you all have a lovely day/night byeeee

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