Thunder takes control

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I woke up and didn't recognise where I was, it seemed as if I was in a ballroom like area with the light sparkling like fairies floating about casually, it was enchanting the big ballroom was almost pulling me to the centre of it.

My eyes opened as I realised it was only a dream and I awoke to be in the same room as I was the night before, it was David's room. I looked around and saw David was asleep on the sofa I thought to myself and realised I must of fell asleep while watching the movie, I turn to look at the clock and see that it is only 7am. I get up and cant help but feel guilty while seeing how I pretty much kicked David out of his own bed. I walked over to the door ready to go to my own room.

"Where are you going? I hear Bowie say in a deeper voice than usual making it obvious he had only just woken up.

" oh just back to my room."


"Oh well I feel a bit bad staying any longer."

"Come on chérie you've already slept in my bed the whole night no point leaving now."

David was looking at me while talking, I couldn't believe he wanted me to stay with him.

"oh well I can stay if you want me to."

"Yes, yes stay."


It had been a few hours now and Me and David had just been talking for the whole time. He is quite easy to talk to he's not one of those people who you get awkward silence with. David was now getting ready for a meeting he had to have so I would be left alone so I decided to go get ready myself to go for a walk through the beautiful town we were staying in.

Once I was ready I said bye to David and went to explore the town, I roamed the streets, looked inside of shops and found small parks with birds chirping and children playing happily. It was truly beautiful it was like some magical place out of a fantasy movie, its like one of those places only visible to those who were gifted with the sight to see such beauty, for England this was like a fairy tale town especially compared to other towns like Grimsby, Luton, Aylesbury and so many more horrible towns. I carried on walking and I ended up walking through a random field that seemed to stretch its glorious curtain of green grass as far as the eyes could see, it was full of wildlife and was able to go grow freely which was almost like a breath of fresh air after having been in New York for so long, I look around at my surroundings and made sure to really take them in, it was peaceful.. almost too peaceful like it is inescapable it was peaceful in a way that could make you feel uncomfortable as if someone was going to come out at you at any minute, but I carried on walking through the silent field where all you could hear was the bird chirping from afar and I enjoyed the nature around me which I hadn't had the option to do so since being in New York for so long. As I carried walking through the overgrown wilderness I felt the sky start to slowly spit down onto me, it felt like drops of liquid gold glazing my skin. I carried on roaming the airy field feeling the comfort of the warm rain wrap me in a blanket as the wind started pushing and pulling against it making the droplets of water come down heavier making the nature of the rain seem as if it was starting to knives down on me almost as if it were on purpose to harm me, I decided to turn back before it was too late and as I slowly started to ascend backwards I turned at the first strike of lighting only to see an all too familiar face in the distance, the face I couldn't forget, the face that kept me in an ongoing trance, the face that would never leave my head. It was my own mother. I take a sharp breath in, I wanted to run but my legs wouldn't move it was like they were glued like my eyes were glued onto her. Then the second strike of lightning came down making the sky erupt into a burst of light and dim back down once it had attacked, I blinked due to the sudden startle of lightning I didn't expect and I opened my eyes to see no one there... was I going crazy? or is this a nightmare? maybe even a trick? Whatever it was it made me run. Run to the comfort of the hotel I had only found refuge in for less than 24 hours yet it gave me more comfort than I could need to escape from whatever I saw out there.

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