Chapter - 10

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Although Ashmit was trembling, he captured the scene clearly in his eyes. The demonic creatures engulfed in blue flames were burning.

The fire that spread in an instant to the ground and spread to the beasts that were rampaging on both sides. Ashmit looked at the scene with his dazed eyes for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses.

Now it was time to run away.

Ashmit, who had fallen down several times with his shaky legs, struggling to get up. He forcibly pulled his hardened footsteps, and, not knowing where he was going, he just ran recklessly. But he couldn't run away for long as someone grabbed him by the hair.

"Ah!" Ashmit looked up with terrified eyes as he fell down.

The white-haired man, whose eyes were stained with bright red blood, was staring at Ashmit with his angry expression.

"Where are you running away to, huh?"

"... Let go of me!"

The man easily dragged the struggling Ashmit away.

Despite him trembling, Ashmit revived his previous feelings and raised his power once more.

But this time there was no spark.


At that moment, the grip on his hair grew stronger.

As Ashmit yelled painfully, the man laughed and continued to talk like a crazy person.

"You dared to rip my eyes apart, so I would have to tear your limbs apart."


"But you have quite a strange power, so I'll take you without killing you in particular. Well, whether you die now or die later, the sacrifice is the same."

The man continued to mumble in a creepy voice.

Ashmit couldn't even listen to the man properly, and he struggled desperately. He who was trying to raise his power again several times, felt something gushing out of his body at that moment. At the same time, he vomited blood.

After being dragged for a while in that state, Ashmit was thrown hard into a carriage.

Bang, Ashmit groaned softly as he bumped into the window. He endured the pain and tried to open his eyes, but his eyelids kept getting heavy. He bowed his head and exhaled. At the same time, the carriage shook slightly.

Perhaps he was trying to drag the carriage, the man in the seat in front of Ashmit threw the limp coachman at random.

Then there was the sound of a strange incantation.

Hearing the sound of the spell, hordes of creatures from all directions ran and surrounded the carriage.

And with a rattle, the carriage began to move slowly.

At this moment, the first thought that came to Ashmit's mind was his concern for the people of the monastery. Will Gabrielle and the children be safe?

Now, of all the times, the priests were absent and there was no one to protect the children.

'Is this the reason the knights disappeared?'

Ashmit, who began to grasp the situation at that moment in his blinking mind, exhaled heavily.

The strength of Ashmit's whole body drained out in a hurry. With his droopy body leaning against the seat, Ashmit struggled to lift his eyes and looked out the open space in the carriage.

A while ago, the man completely ripped off the door, leaving a large hole in one side of the carriage.

Ashmit could see monsters with hideous appearances running frantically following the carriage.

I will Disappeare , Grand Duke (BL version)Where stories live. Discover now