Chapter - 7

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Fernan, who fell asleep after taking some sleeping pills, woke up when Ashmit touched his eyebrows. All the while, he couldn't open his eyes for some reason, even when Ashmit's soft hand roamed his face.

The sun was rising at dawn, and Ashmit was asleep, leaning against Fernan's chest.  He had thought about it before, but Ashmit seemed to fall asleep as soon as he leaned hus head against Fernan.

Fernan suddenly patted the back of Ashmit's head. His soft hair frayed in his large hand.

Looking down at Ashmit, who was completely leaning against him, gave Fernan a sense of satisfaction as if something was being filled at this moment.

It was an unfamiliar feeling, but it wasn't bad.


The gentle voice that called his name kept ringing in his ears.

With only that soft voice, he felt like all the boundaries were breaking down.

The fact was funny, Fernan thought to himself, and then he stared at the ceiling. The time Ashmit had spent trying so hard to escape again became a little empty.

Fernan closed his eyes slowly, his lips lifting slightly without him even knowing it. At least for that night, they both slept peacefully.


The seemingly peaceful days continued for some time.

It was during this time that Fernan removed all the knights around Ashmit. They were following him around everywhere he went, and it annoyed Ashmit.

Of course, the knights weren't removed from the start. They were secretly watching Ashmit in plain sight.

This short-lived peace was broken by the arrival of his aide at the Grand Duke's castle.

An urgent telegram was delivered from the border.

"Your Highness!"

Lloyd, who had rushed into the office, reported breathlessly.

"The demons have appeared on the border."

Fernan, who was reviewing the documents, immediately left his seat upon hearing Lloyd's words.

The demons that had caused the border guards so much trouble over the past few months had reappeared.

To add to the headache, even the enemy soldiers have joined in.

"How large is the scale?"

Lloyd's serious voice followed as Fernan took his steps.

"It is difficult to ascertain the size of the force. It seems that the knights are not moving easily because they cannot accurately grasp the base."

Fernan clicked his tongue lightly. It was troublesome for the demons to appear as a swarm, but if even the enemy army joined in, the situation would become much more complicated.

Apparently, the remnants of the enemy army, the Renev Kingdom, had moved on a larger scale than expected.

"Perhaps there was someone in the enemy army who could control demons."

Fernan mounted his horse without delay. He pulled on the reins and the horse started to run at a fast speed.

And at that moment, Fernan looked around the castle.

Eventually, after a while, Fernan stopped speaking and changed direction again.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?"

This caused Lloyd, who had stopped, to look up at him curiously, and after Fernan nodded as if to tell him to go ahead, he headed back to the castle.

After dismounting from his horse, Fernan quickly entered the lobby.

I will Disappeare , Grand Duke (BL version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant