Even though the glasses are blackout, it acts like one-way glass with the help of a camera at the front. The glasses can actually be connected to our watches as well and display notifications, details of the current environment and more.

We walked out of my apartment with my luggage and headed towards the elevator in silence, we got in and Levi pressed the floor where the car is parked and I felt the elevator descend. I leaned against Levi's shoulder as I forced myself to take steady breaths to calm myself from the rising anxiety, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to see it was from Ethan while he squeezed it slightly.

I smiled as the elevator doors open and we walked out, my eyes scanned the entire parking lot before landing on a familiar, big, black car with 2 doors which I couldn't understood for several years. We walked towards the car before the doors opened, there was a panel at the front but the seats are designed more closely to a limo.

We all got into the car with my luggage and put them underneath the seat while Levi went to set the destination. I noticed there are several other luggage once I finished putting away mine. "Are you guys going somewhere as well?" I asked as I sat down on the seat.

Ethan nodded from his seat opposite me with his leg crossed on the seat. "Yep, I have a podcast on the west side of the galaxy with one of the influencers and meeting a couple more people," he said as Levi sat down next to him while I felt the car move.

"I have some meetings with some companies and families in the south for the future company's future development," Levi said as he leaned back into his seat with arms crossed. "Are you ready to leave Aetheria and travel to Valtoria?"

I laughed helplessly. "Nope, not at all, the morning after that night, I wanted to text you to say I don't want to go so badly," I said with a helpless smile.

Levi chuckled. "Well, if that were to happen I would have said no because I already registered for you," he said with a smile before dropping it. "Be careful when at Valtoria, you should already know about the wall between the high society and low society, even if they don't know who you are, your last name might tip them off."

I nodded. "I know, I will be careful and interact with the low society people, do you want me to spot some talents?" I asked since this is related to his plans.

Ethan snorted. "Can you even do that with your poor social skills?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and a half smile.

I sighed. "My social skills are not poor, I'm just lazy to spend unnecessary time on things that are not beneficial to me at all and I just need to observe them, I don't actually need to interact with them to know their talents," I said softly.

Levi nodded. "If you can find them then sure, it's okay if you can't," he said while I nodded in understanding before I looked out the window.

There are many interesting planets across the galaxy, the one we are staying on is the capital planet of this star system and also one of the popular tourist planets. The planet is called Aetheria which is renowned for its unparalleled beauty and serenity.

From the moment one arrives on the planet, they are greeted by stunning landscapes that seem to stretch on endlessly, dominated by vibrant colours that seem to blend and shift with every passing moment. The skies above are an ever-changing canvas of multicoloured clouds, from bright pinks and oranges to deep blues and purples, providing a constant source of wonder and awe for its inhabitants.

The planet's climate is temperate and comfortable, with warm summers and mild winters. Its rich and fertile soil is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including towering trees and delicate flowers, each contributing to the planet's natural beauty. The forests are home to a variety of creatures with unique features, which help them to adapt to their environment and thrive on the planet.

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