"Alright, alright. You're still as feisty as ever. I always liked that."

"Shut up before I make you leave, you—"

"Mom?" Bdubs tilted his head to the side, his eyes wide with innocence.

"Oh! Honey, I didn't see you there." She smiled, lifting Bdubs into her arms. "That was quick. You must be hungry. Hurry and help your brother wash and set the table, I need to talk to your father in the other room."

"Okay mom!" He said, his mother placing the young boy back onto the floor.

Once he left, the redhead shot an icy glare at her ex. Etho just smirked, walking into the dining room to wait for dinner. He sat down at the head of the table, Bdubs pushing his chair to sit right next to his father. "Are you gonna be here all night dad?" The young boy asked excitedly, bouncing up and down in his seat with the palms of his hands pressed against the table.

"Oh, we'll see what your mother says. But who knows, maybe she'll let you spend some time at my place." He said, his gaze shifting as his ex wife walked into the dining room. She carried two plates, Scar behind her with two more.

Creamy mashed potatoes alongside a thick steak, as well as grilled asparagus for dinner. Cleo set Etho's plate down, practically dropping it on the table while avoiding his gaze. Scar put his brother's plate on the table before walking over to his seat to set down his own dish. The redhead walked out of the room, disappearing for a few moments before reappearing with a tall glass of red wine.

"Mommy got her special juice." Bdubs snickered, while Scar kept his eyes glued to his plate.

Cleo practically flopped into her chair, right across from Etho. The table was long, though it still felt too close. She wanted her ex out of her house, out of her life. All he did was smirk while picking up a fork and a knife, before digging into the steak. "My, this steak is a bit overcooked." He commented, clearly just to piss his ex wife off. All she did was smile in response before taking a long sip of wine.

"Well Scum—, I mean, Scar, how've you been? You haven't said much since I got here." Etho asked, the sound of utensils scraping against the glass plates filling the room with an awkward silence.

"Um, good." Scar answered rather awkwardly, struggling to cut his dinner. Bdubs had his steak on a fork, trying to bite off pieces rather than use the knife to cut through the meat.

Etho frowned. "You were much more talkative when you were younger." He said, staring down at his dinner to continue cutting through the overcooked steak.

"Maybe it's because you've been an absent father most of his life." Cleo muttered while drinking her wine, glaring at her ex from across the table. She set down her glass, glancing towards her younger son. "Here Bdubs, let me help you with that sweetie."

"No!" He frowned, setting his steak down on his dish before pushing the plate towards his father. "I want dad to cut it for me."

Etho's smug grin made Cleo want to puke, causing the redhead to pour herself a second glass of wine. Scar pushed his dinner plate towards his mother, looking up at her with wide eyes of innocence. "Can you cut my steak, mom?" He asked, causing Cleo to set down the bottle and smile for the first time in the night.

"Yes sweetie, of course." She cooed, using a steak knife and fork to slice the pieces into easier to chew pieces before handing the plate back to her child.

Etho stood up from his chair suddenly, using a napkin to wipe his lips. "Kids, would you excuse your mother and I for a few moments?" He asked, glancing towards his ex.

She grumbled, standing up from her chair as Etho dragged her into the kitchen and out of earshot of the kids. "Alright, what do you want?" She asked, arms crossed with a stern glare.

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