Hive (No Ship)

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It was some kind of trance. Or at least, that's what it felt like. Everything was foggy, distant. Like he was in some kind of dream with no control over his own body. It felt like his head was clogged, thoughts barely able to trickle through. But even so, he couldn't help but feel... oddly satisfied?

He didn't know why. It was like he had taken a backseat, like something else was in control now. There was this weird sort of peace in the way everything moved, the world around him, how the air seemed to be filled with an almost tangible anticipation. It made something stir within him, something akin to excitement.

There was something in the air, though. He could smell it. It wasn't really anything distinct, yet for some reason it was familiar and reassuring all at once. It just seemed right. And yet he couldn't place where exactly he knew it from or what it meant.

Xisuma scratched his neck through his glove, irritation causing his skin to itch and burn. He shut his eyes, the admin taking in a deep breath of the fresh springtime air. It was addictive, like a rush of pleasure that filled his lungs, only to escape with the breath he released. The sensation made his head buzz.

The air tasted sweet and pure. It smelled like mixes of different flowers and the faintest hints of rain. His skin tingled under his armor, goosebumps popping up on his exposed arms as if there were electricity running underneath them. A small smile played across his lips. This feeling... it was intoxicating. It sent shivers down his spine.

He opened his eyes, staring down at the bed of flowers that he was sitting in. The admin was planning on doing work around his base, yet his mind couldn't focus. Something felt like it was pulling at him, yearning for him, and X couldn't deny the feeling much longer.

Now he was in a flower field, the air sweet and addictive to breathe in. He could barely remember how he got it, most of his thoughts were a blur. His eyes fluttered closed again and he let himself drift into another daze.

Something stirred within him, pushing against his brain. There it was again—some strange feeling inside of him that seemed foreign and familiar all at once.  Whatever it was, it felt strangely right. It felt as if he had always known it. As if he had always been aware. It was an odd sensation. It wasn't unpleasant. In fact, it felt nice. Familiar and comforting. The feeling was more soothing than anything else.

His hands moved on their own. He gently grasped at the stem of a flower before tugging, carefully plucking the blossom. Then he picked another. And another. And another, all mindlessly. Xisuma barely knew what he was doing through the haze of his own thoughts, simply drinking up the sweet air that was like a drug to him.

With a large armful of flowers collected, the admin got to his feet before flying off, back to his base.



Etho glanced around the towers of the admin's base, the jungle especially lush during the spring afternoon. He hadn't been responding to any messages or calls lately, it had been about a week since the last time anyone had seen him. That wasn't too odd, Hermits tended to get overwhelmed or overworked, leading them to take long breaks.

But Etho needed bricks, and X's shop in Aque Town was all out. He was hoping to pop by and see if Xisuma had any laying around, since the Canadian didn't have a stone mason villager.

There were so many different towers, all in the same futuristic build style that Xisuma had been using throughout the season. Etho wasn't sure which was the storage tower, or where he would be able to find the admin himself. He glided towards one of the smaller towers, which seemed to be fatter than the skinny skyscrapers that X built.

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